It's Saturday Night,
time for more Genealogy Fun!!
For this week's mission (should you decide to accept it), I want you to:
1) Michael John Neill started an interesting Facebook meme - when and where did you go to school?
2) Tell us in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, in a status line on Facebook or a stream post on Google Plus. Be sure to leave a link to your post in Comments on this post.
Here's mine:
* September 1948 to June 1955: Brooklyn Elementary School (30th and Ash Streets) in San Diego, Calif. I walked or rode my bike to school. I was in the Safety Patrol during 4th to 6th grades, becoming a Supply Sergeant.
* September 1955 to June 1958: Roosevelt Junior High School (Park Blvd. and Upas St.) in San Diego. I rode the bus both ways.
* September 1958 to June 1961: San Diego High School (Park Blvd. and Russ Blvd.) in San Diego. I rode the bus both ways, but often went to the San Diego Public Library after school to avoid bullies on the bus after school. I graduated Summa Cum Laude.
* September 1961 to January 1966: San Diego State University (College Avenue and Montezuma Road) in San Diego. I rode the bus both ways. I started in the Mathematics department, but transferred to the Aerospace Engineering department after one semester. I graduated with Honors with a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering.
* September 1988 to June 1989: University of California San Diego (Torrey Pines Road) in La Jolla. This was an extension course in their Executive Business Program, paid for by my company, Rohr Industries, after being promoted to department management.
Of course, this doesn't cover the School of Hard Knocks, where I learned many life lessons!
Have you entered this information into your Genealogy Management software? You really should!
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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at
Hi, Randy,
My education is much more . . . scattered than yours, both in terms of subject matter and in location.
1. Starr King Elementary, San Francisco [Kindergarten]
2. Starr King Elementary, San Francisco [First Grade, partial]
3. St. Peter's Catholic School, San Francisco [Grades 1 thru 8]
4. Parkway Junior High School, South San Francisco [Grade 9]
5. South San Francisco High School, South San Francisco [Grades 10 & 11]
6. Petaluma High School, Petaluma, CA [Grade 12]
7. Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa [Did not complete]
8. Went to work for a number of years at various jobs. Was hired by the US Postal Service as a clerk, and eventually became a Manager.
9. Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa [Went back to college at night while working full time; took classes in HTML, web design, graphic design, American Sign Language (so I could communicate with deaf employees), art history, and geology.
10. Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa [finally completed my AA degree]
Interesting meme. Since I previously blogged about my elementary school, so let me link to that post. It includes an excellent photo, provided by the school itself, preglued into autograph books of the period. Lucky me!
The link is:
Here is mine
Shirley yours was interesting too. I see you finished up later in life too while working full time. That makes it a challenge doesn't it.
Janice and Marion I left comments on your blogs.
Randy - yours is interesting too. I see you were on the other end of the study circle than I was in school. Congrats on all your achievements and high marks!
Here is mine:
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