Sunday, April 2, 2017

Added or Updated Databases at - Week of 26 March to 1 April 2017

The following databases were Added or Updated on during the period from 26   March to 1 April 2017

The databases added or updated include:

*  Web: Chester County, Pennsylvania, Criminal and Prison Record Indexes, 1681-1911; indexed records without record images, ADDED 3/30/2017

*  Dorset, England, Poor Law Settlement and Removal Records, 1682-1862; indexed records with record images, ADDED 3/30/2017

* Soviet Union, Records from Soviet Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes, 1941-1945 (USHMM); indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Netherlands, Marriage Index, 1570-1938; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Hannover, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1684-1892; indexed records with record images, ADDED 3/30/2017

*  Netherlands, Birth Index, 1787-1915; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Hesse, Germany, Marriages, 1849-1930; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Hesse, Germany, Births, 1851-1901; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Netherlands, Death Index, 1795-1969; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Netherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-1944; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Netherlands, Burial Index, 1474-1493, 1540-1860; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/30/2017

*  Manchester, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1930; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/29/2017

*  Manchester, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1915; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/29/2017

*  Manchester, England, Church of England Deaths and Burials, 1813-1985; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/29/2017

*  Summit County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 1840-1980; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/29/2017

*  Manchester, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1541-1812; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/29/2017

*  U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/28/2017

*  Vermont, Marriage Records, 1909-2008; indexed records with record images, Updated 3/28/2017

*  NARA Collections on; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/27/2017

*  Web: London, England, Proceedings of the Old Bailey and Ordinary's Accounts Index, 1674-1913; indexed records without record images, Updated 3/27/2017

The recently added and updated page on is at

The complete Card Catalog is at 

By my count, there were  3 NEW databases ADDED this past week, per the list above.  There are now 32,856 databases available as of 2 April, an increase of  3 from last week.  


Disclosure:  I have a fully paid subscription. has reimbursed me for travel expenses to meetings and has hosted meals in Salt Lake City in past years.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Lisa S. Gorrell said...

Does your subscription include World? I'm wondering if the German and Dutch indexes are available to all or only to World subscribers. I can't test it because I have World. I do speak about German research and this would be helpful to know.

Randy Seaver said...

Lisa, I have only a US subscription, but I think the "World" means every database they have is available. If that's the case, then the German and Dutch indexes should be available to you.

Lisa S. Gorrell said...

Yes, they are available to me, as a world subscriber. I was wondering if they were available to a US subscriber and need someone to test it for me.

Kirk said...

I know the Dutch ones are not available on US only subscriptions. However, most of that information is available on WieWasWie, a fabulous, free (registration required to download images, but free) site. You can do searches without registering. It's a Dutch site, but has an English interface (click on the EN at the top after you get there). Have done a ton of research on that site.