Some of the genealogy news items across my desktop the last three days include:
* Don't forget that the SCGS Jamboree is this week in Burbank. Thursday is the Genetic Genealogy Day and Friday through Sunday are the Genealogy Jamboree days. There is livestreaming on each of those days, but the Genetic Genealogy Day is NOT free to watch. See the FREE livestreaming classes offered for the Jamboree days at You do need to register and the presentations will be available until 10 July 2017.
* The Unlock the Past 2018 genealogy cruise to Alaska (7 to 14 September 2018, Seattle to Juneau to Skagway to Tracy Arm Fjord to Victoria to Seattle) will have 40 to 45 genealogy classes in several tracks - see details at, Chris Paton and Dick Eastman are two of the featured speakers.
* Thomas MacEntee has Genealogy Bargains for Tuesday, 6 June 2017 which includes discounted DNA test kits from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and FamilyTreeDNA for Father's Day.
* The latest episode of the Extreme Genes radio show/podcast is available - Episode 194 – Buying Your Childhood Or Ancestral Homes, The Ups & Downs; Maureen Taylor on Spring Cleaning Your Photo Collection.
* Valerie Eichler Lair hosts the latest Chit Chat Live on "Tips and Tricks of Heritage Travel" with Terri O'Connell, Melissa Barker, Cheri Hudson Passey and Christine Woodcock.
* DearMYRTLE's Mondays With Myrt on 5 June 2017 is available to watch on YouTube - see
* Crista Cowan and Ancestry have a new video available on YouTube on "What's New at Ancestry: June 2017 Edition."
* James Tanner and the BYU Family history Library have a new YouTube video available on "What's New in Programs and Apps for Genealogy."
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