Monday, June 5, 2017

Amanuensis Monday -- Probate Records of John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Massachusetts

This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is from the Barnstable County, Massachusetts probate documents for John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Massachusetts:

a)  Letter of Administration: Volume 3, page 455:

The transcription of this record is:

John Otis Esq^r Comissionated by the Gouvnour and Councill of y^e
Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England to be Judge
of the Probate of Wills and for granting Letters of Adminis^on
on the Estates of Persons deceased having goods Chattels Rights
and Credits in the County of Barnstable within the Province aforesd
To Ruth Young Relict and widow of John Young Late of Eastham
Deceased and Jonathan Young of sd Town in the County aforesd ^yeoman: Greet-
ing. Whereas John Young of Eastham aforesd in the sd County
of Barnstable Deceased Having while he Lived and at the Time of his
decease Goods Chattels Rights or Credits in y^e County aforesd, Lately Dyed
Intestate. Whereby the power of Comitting Administration and full
Disposition of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of
the s^d Deceased and also the hearing Examining and allowing the accompt of
Such Administration Doth appertain unto me; Trusting therefore In your
Care and Fidelity I do by these presents Comitt unto you full power to
Administer all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of John
young aforesd Deceased and Well and faithfully to Dispose of y^e same accord-
ing to Law and also to ask, Gather, Levy, Recover and Receive all and what-
soever Credits of the sd Deceased which to him while he Lived and att
the Time of his Death did appertain and To pay all Debts in which the sd
Deceased stood bound so far as his goods Chattels Rights and Credits Can Extend
according to the value thereof. And to make a True and perfect In-
ventory of all and singularly Goods Chattels Rights & Credits and to Ex-
hibet the same into the Registry of y^e court of probate for y^e County
aforesd att or before the first Day of May next Ensuing. And to
Render a plain and True accompt of your sd Administration att or
beofre the First Day of May which will be in the year of our Lord
one Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen. And I Do Hereby ordain
Constitute and appoint you Administrators of all the singular the
Goods Chattels Rights and Credits aforesd. In Testimony whereof
I Have hereunto sett my hand and y^e seal of y^e sd Court of
Probate Dated at Barnstable aforesd the 23 Day of Aprill Anno

Domini 1718.                                                        Jno Otis

b)  Articles of Agreement: Volume 3, Pages 514-516:

The transcription of this record is:

Articles of Agreement made and Concluded and Fully agreed
upon the 18^th Day of July 1719 Anno Domini 1719 – By & between
Ruth Young, Benjamin Young, Jonathan Young, Israel Young,
Barnabas Young, Micajah Snow and his Wife Mercy Snow, Samuel
Brown and his wife Ruth Brown, Isaac Perce and his Wife Jane
Perce, John Treat and his Wife Abigail Treat, all of Eastham in y^e
County of Barnstable In the Province of the Massachusetts Bay
in New England, Being all of them Rightfull Heirs to the Estate of
m^r John Young of Eastham, aforesd Yeoman, Deceased. Having
mutualy agreed and Concluded, and also actually made and finished
a devision and partition of the Estate both personall and Real of y^e
sd m^r John Young Deceased, Lying partly in Eastham & partly in
Harwich in the County aforesd, after the following manner and
form. That is to Say: To the sd Ruth Young Their Dear mother
The Widow Relict of the sd m^r John Young deceased To Have the
Improvement of all the Dwelling House and benefit and Income of one
Third part of all the Lands and Tenements and Real Estate wh^so-
ever which Their Hon^ord Father m^r John Young above named Dyed
seized of During The Term of Her naturall Life, and also one Third part
of Their sd Father's personall Estate to be by Their sd mother Ruth Young
her Heirs and assigns for ever freely possessed and Enjoyed. Secondly
The above named parties Do by these presents mutually agree that
Benjamin Young above named Shall have to him his Heirs and
assigns for ever to be by him and Them freely possessed and Enjoyed
one Ten acre Lott of upland Lying on Griffins Island so called near
adjoyning to the sd Benjamine Youngs now Dwelling House, Bounded
as by Record will appear to their Grandfather Daniel Cole Deceased, and
also one Lott Called a Tenament Lott Laid out To Their sd Father
John Young in the year 1711 as by Record will appear Lying on
the sd Griffins Island as abovesd and also one half of a Lott of medow
for Quantyty and Quality, which their sd Father John Young formerly
bought of Jabez Snow Lying in the Northern End of the aforesd Griffins
Island as also the one half for Quantity and Quality of one other
Lott of meadow Lying att the Northern End of sd Island Which their
sd Father John Young formerly had of Deacon Thomas Freeman
deceased, as also the one Third part of the Barn That was Their sd
Father John Youngs, and also Thirty Five Pounds and Ten Shilling
out of Their sd Fathers Personall Estate. Thirdly the above named
parties do by these presents mutually agree that the above named

[Vol. 3, page 515]

Jonathan Young shall have To him his heirs and assigns for Ever freely
to be possessed and Enjoyed for his full part and portion of the abovesd Estate
one Ten acre Lott on which the Dwelling House now Standeth which
was formerly granted to his sd Father John Young as by Record will appear,
as also one Lott of meadow Lying on the Eastern side of the Indian Neck
so called, by Estimation Two acres granted and laid out to his sd Father
John Young as by Record will appear as also the sd parties Do mutualy
agree that the sd Jonathan Young Shall have out of his sd Father John
Youngs personall Estate Sixteen Pounds and five shillings. Fourthly the sd
parties Do hereby mutually agree That Israel Young Shall have to him
his heirs and assigns for Ever, freely to be possessed and Enjoyed for his
full part and portion of the abovesd Estate, Ten acres of upland whereon
he now Dwelleth which his sd Father John Young formerly bought of Willi-
am Cole and also the whole Lott of meadow adjoyning to sd upland which
his sd Father bought also of William Cole, and also of the sd personall Estate
the sd Israel Young hath Sixteen pounds and Ten shilling. Fifthy The said
parties to these presents Doth hereby mutually agree that Barnabas Young
To him his heirs and assigns for Ever freely to be possessed and Enjoyed Shall
have of the abovesd Estate one Twenty acre Lott of upland near Adjoyn-
ing where he now Dwelleth it being one of the ancient Lotts on sd Griffens
Island, and also Two plain Lotts and one Wood Lott so called which was for-
merly Laid out to his sd Father John Young Lying on sd Griffens Island
bounded as by Record Will appear as, also Two acres of upland which his said
Father bought of Stephen Hopkins Lying on sd Island, and one Lott of up-
land Lying att the Great Island so called Laid out to his sd Father and bound^ed
as by Record will appear, and also the one half for Quantity and Quality of
Two Lotts of meadow In partnership with the above sd Benjamin Young as
above mentioned bought of Jabez Snow and Thomas Freeman, and also y^e
House wherein he now Dwelleth and also Two Thirds of his ^sd Fathers Barn
That is to say the one third now In possession and the other third to fall to
him at his sd mothers Decease, and also the Dwelling House wherein his sd
mother now dwelleth after his sd mothers Decease. In Consideration of which
portion as abovesd The sd Barnabas Young pays in to the abovesd Psonall
estate The sum of fifty Pounds Seven shillings. Sixthly the sd parties
Do hereby mutually agree that Micajah Snow and his wife Mercy Snow
above named shall have for their parts and portion of the abovesd Estate
by Them Their Heirs and assigns for Ever freely possessed and Enjoyed y^e one

[Volume 3, page 516]

Third Part of a Lott of upland Lying in the Township of Harwich
In the County aforesd sd Whole Lott being by Estimation Twenty acres
be it more or Less, and did belong to Their sd Father John Young de-
ceased and also Sixteen Pounds and five shillings out of their said
Fathers prsonal Estate. Seventhly The parties hereto Do mutually agr^ee
That the above named Isaac Perce and Jane Perce his Wife Shall have
To Them Their Heirs and assigns for Ever, freely to be possessed & Enjoyed
out of Their sd Fathers Estate one Wood Lott so called Laid out to Their
sd Father John Young near Adjoyning to the Herring River so called as
by Record Will appear, and also out of the personall Estate abovesd
Sixteen pounds and five shillings. Eightly The parties hereto do hereby
mutually agree that Samuel Brown and his wife Ruth Brown
shall have for their part of the abovesd Estate to be by them Their Heirs
and assigns for Ever freely possessed and Enjoyed The one third part both for
Quantity and Quality of the abovesd Twenty acre Lott lying in sd Harwich
and also Sixteen pounds and five shillings in full of their parts of y^e above
sd Estate. Ninthly The sd parties Do here by mutually agree That the
above named John Treat and his Wife Abigail Treat shall have in full
of their part and portion of the abovesd Estate to be by Them Their heirs &
assigns forever freely possessed & enjoyed y^e one third part for Quantity & Quality
of y^e abovesd Twenty acre Lott lying in sd Harwich & also Sixteen pounds & five shil-
lings out of y^e sd personall Estate. And the above named parties have actually made
and finished a Division of the whole of y^e above mentioned Estate both psonall &
Real, and Each of them Received their full portion thereof and are already in y^e
free & full possession of y^e Same, nothing Excepted or Reserved Saving onely y^e income
and Improvement of the Widows Thirds as above mentioned of y^e Real Estate to be
Reserved to her During Life. Therefore In Consideration of y^e abovesd parts of y^e above
sd Estate Devide out to Each of them In Severally Do therefore for Each of Them-
selves their heirs Executors and Administrators Quit all manner of claim Respect-
ively to each others shares and to Each other heirs and assigns for Ever.

Signed Sealed & Delivered }                Barnabas Young {seal}       Ruth X Young {seal}
In Presence of us Witnesses }                                                             her mark & seal
Consta^t Freeman                }               Micajah Snow {seal}           Benjamin young {seal}
Thomas Mulford                  }               Mercy cy Snow {seal}         Jonathan Young {seal)

                      Samuel Brown {seal}     Isaac X Perce {seal}             Israel Young {seal}
                      Ruth Brown {seal}           his mark & seal
                         her mark & seal

                     John Treat {seal}              Jane X Perce {seal}
                    Abigail A Treat {seal}          her mark & seal
                     her mark & seal

[in left-hand margin]

Barnstable ss. On y^e 20^th day of July 1719 Then y^e within named Ruth Young, Benj.
Young, Jonathan Young, Israel Young, Barnabas Young, Micajah Snow, Mercy Snow, Isaac
Perce, Jane Perce, Samuel Brown Ruth Brown, John Treat & Abigail Treat Psonally appearing before me y^e subscriber
Judge of Probates &c for sd County acknowledged this Instrument to be their free act and deed.

                                                                                                      John Otis

The source citation for these records is:

"Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991," indexed database with digital images, (, Barnstable County, "Vol. 1-3, 1686-1747," Volume 3, page 455 and 514-516, John Young probate papers.

John Young, yeoman of Eastham, died intestate before 18 April 1718, and his widow, Ruth (Cole) Young, and their son, Jonathan Young, were named as administrators.  By 19 July 1719, the nine heirs had drawn up articles of agreement on how to divide the estate.  For the married daughters, their husbands' names are included.  

Ruth (Young) Brown (1688-1768), who married Samuel Brown (1686-1749) in 1708, was the fifth of eight children of John and Ruth (Cole) Young.  Samuel and Ruth (Young) Brown are my sixth great-grandparents.  John and Ruth (Cole) Young are my 7th great-grandparents.  

These probate records provide primary information and direct evidence that Ruth (Young) Brown is the daughter of John and Ruth (Cole) Brown.  These records are Derivative Sources because they are a transcription of the original probate records, but they are "official" records that can be considered to be Original source documents.  


NOTE:  Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent  TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:" 

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

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