Monday, July 17, 2017

Amanuensis Monday - Will of Robert Fletcher (1593-1677) of Concord, Mass.

This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is from the Middlesex County, Massachusetts probate records for the estate of Robert Fletcher (1593-1677) of Concord, Massachusetts; his will written 4 February 1672, attested 19 June 1677 in the probate court:

The transcription of the will is:

"the 4th of February 1672.  

"These may certyfie Whom it may Concern that I Robert 
flecher of Concord in the County of midelsex in the 
Government of the Maschusets Jurisdiction in New eng-
land being about fouerscor years of age: yet through 
the high favor of almighty God I have my understanding
 in a Competent measure althoug I find much Weaknes 
in my body: doe therefore declare this to bee my last 
Will and Testament - I doe hereby acknowled that God 
to bee my God who made the World by the Word of his 
power Who out of his unspeakabell Goodnes hath Given to mee 
my life and breath with the suport of it hetherto - I also beleve 
in and Roull myselfe upon Jesus Christ his only sonn that 
was Given to bee a propitiation for my sinn and perfectly 
to fulfill the Righteouse law of God for mee that soe I might 
obtain bouldnes att the throne of Gracce When hee shalbee 
admired of all his saints - Who out of his infinite love accord-
inge to his promise hath sent the spirit to sealle unto mee my 
adoption and fellowship both with the father and Himself 
in the full asurance Thereof I doe hereby Resign my soull 
into the hands of that God that Gave it to mee - as likwise my body
 to the earth from Whence it was taken; to bee decently 
buryed by my three sonns and the expense thereof to be deducted 
out of my estate - and for the Rest of my estate that the lord 
hath lent mee Which I have not formerly disposed of I do 
hearby declare - that is is my Will that my sonn francis 
and his loving and loved wife doe take the speciall Care 
of my loveing wife for long as the Lord shall Continue her 
and them in the land of the living as formerly - and 
in case shee shall stand in neede or see Cause to make 
use of any part of this estat hearafter to be mentioned 
for her own Comfort that shee shal hearby have lawfull power 
soe to doe and after her decease my Will is that it may be 
devided as followeth videlicet - into two equall parts 
and my Will is that my sonns William and samuell may 
have on of the parts equally devided betwixt them and that 
my sonn francis shall have the other part Whom I do 
hearby appoint to bee my Wholl executor to this my 
last Will utterly Revoaking all other former Wills - 
and I doe appoint for overseers to this my Will my Trusty 
and loveing frends deacon Robert miriam deacon luke 
potter of Concord I have hearunto anexed a sedull of What is 
my estate according to my present  Remembrance 
in Witness thereof I have set to my hand and seale the 
day and yeare above Written.

"Signed and sealed in the presence of us        the mark of
John hoare                                                     Robert flecher"
Nathaniell How
attested upon oath in Court
June 19 '77

as attest:  12 may 1677"

The source citation for this document is:

"Middlesex County, MA: Probate Papers, 1648-1871," digital image, American Ancestors ( : accessed 16 July 2017), Probate Packet 7,913, Robert Fletcher will (image 4 of 4), 1677.

Robert Fletcher (1593-1677) was the immigrant ancestor for many of the Fletchers of New England.  He married, Sarah --?-- (1600-1672) before 1617, who was the mother of his five known children.  He died 3 April 1677 in Concord, Massachusetts.  Robert Fletcher is my 9th great-grandfather.

I am descended through two of his sons - William Fletcher (1618-1677) of Chelsmford, Massachusetts and Francis Fletcher (1630-1704).


NOTE:  Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent  TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:" 

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for translating this. What do you think "Roull means? I have been bogglng my mind for some time and can't figure out what Robert meant. Robert Fletcher is my 9th great grandfather. This is pretty exciting to read. Thanks again.

Unknown said...


Robert Fletcher was probably using John Calvin's interpretation of Psalm 37; verse 5

Psalm 37:5 – Commit your way to the Lord; trust in HIM, and he will do it

John Calvin (1509-1564): Roll on Jehovah thy way, And trust upon Him, and He worketh.

Robert Fletcher is my 10th GGF, via William AND Grissell
James Halvorson
Farmington, MN