Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stephen Morse is Speaker at SDJGS Meeting on Sunday, 13 August 2017

I received this notice from the San Diego Jewish Genealogical Society recently:

San Diego Jewish Genealogical Society

Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center
Executive Drive & Genesee Ave., La Jolla, CA Rehearsal Room 1st floor
The Society maintains an extensive library collection including maps, newsletters and journals. Programs are open to the public and non-members are welcome.
Please join us at our next meeting:

Sunday, August 13, 2017, 1 p.m.

Program: Jewish Calendar Demystified, by Stephen Morse

The Jewish calendar is important to genealogists because Jewish vital records use the Jewish dates.  This includes not only birth, marriage, and death certificates, but tombstone inscriptions as well. The Jewish calendar is both a solar and lunar calendar.  As such, the rules governing the calendar can be a bit daunting.  This talk presents the calendar in an easy-to-understand fashion.  Topics covered include the 19-year calendar cycle, the origin of time, errors in the Jewish and secular calendars, and the use of Hebrew letters to represent dates on tombstones.

Stephen Morse is the creator of the One-Step Website for which he has received both the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Outstanding Contribution Award from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, Award of Merit from the National Genealogical Society, first-ever Excellence Award from the Association of Professional Genealogists, and two awards that he cannot pronounce from Polish genealogical societies.

Seating is limited. Reservations required. Please RSVP to

For more information about our society, check our website,


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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