a) Probate Packet 10414 (image 20 of 22):
b) Probate Packet 10414 (image 21 of 22):
c) Probate Packet 10414 (image 22 of 22):
The transcription of this record is:
[image 20 of 22]
Bristol Ss: Order for making a
Division of y^e Personal Estate of
Mr. John Garnsey Late of Rehobath
By y^e Honobl^e Nath^a Paine Esq^r
Judge of y^e Probate
of Wills & Granting of Letters of
Administration within
said County
To Mr. John West, Mr. Francis Wilson
Mr. James Thirber
Liuet Jonathan Kingsley & Mr.
Thomas Shaw
Pursuantt to an Actt of y^e General
Assembly Instituted an actt
for y^e Settlement & Distribution
of the Estate of Intestates
I do by this present Nominate appoint &
Impower you the said
John West Francis Wilson James Thirber
Jonathan Kingsley Thomas
All Sufficient Freeholders within y^e
County of Bristo^l or any three
of you to make a divission of y^e
Personal Estate of John Garnsey
lat of Rehobath deceased Intestate to
and amongst his Widdow
& Children and such s hath Legally
Represent them if any then be
dead according to y^e Directions
mentioned & Contenied In the before
Recited and which you are Sworne to
attend and make Return
of yor doings In observence hereof
together with this order unto
myself at the Registers Office In
Bristol hereof fayle not. Given
under my hand In Bristol the tweluth
day of May 1722
In y^e eight year of his majesties
The Gentlemen above Named
personally appearing were sworne
Nath^l Paine
to make a Devission according
to y^e best of their understandings
except mr. James Thirbr
May 22^th 1722 Juratt Coram Nath^l
[image 21 of 22]
In observance of an order from y^e
Honoble Nath^a Paine Esq^r
Judge of Probate of wills and Granting
Letters of Administration
within y^e County of Bristol for making
a devission of y^e
personal Estate Now in y^e hands of
Seth Garnsey James Bowen
Administrators to y^e Estate of mr.
John Garnsey late of Rehobath
deceased Intestate.
Wee the Subscribers here of under oath
according to the best
of our understanding have made an Equal
distribution of
the Personall Estate belonging to John
Garnsey deceased being yett
Remaining in y^e hands of y^e
Administrators as followeth
To Sarah Garnsey the Widdow and Relict
of the said John Garnsey
one third part being Twenty Sixp ound
twoo shilling ten pence
as followeth:
Imprimis to one feather bed and furniture thereunto belonging |
08 – 06 – 00 |
To 1 Chest with a drawer |
00 – 13 – 00 |
To 1 Cow |
04 – 00 – 00 |
To Salt pork and meate Tub |
02 – 02 – 00 |
To 1 Iron pott |
00 – 07 – 00 |
To 2 pewter platters and one plate |
00 – 19 – 09 |
To money Received of the Administrators |
00 – 10 – 00 |
To 1 brass Skillet & Trammel 1 pr of Tongs & friing pan |
00 – 18 – 00 |
To yerne |
01 – 05 – 00 |
To Wooden Ware |
00 – 12 – 00 |
To 1 pigen Cards and sive |
00 – 05 – 03 |
To 1 swine |
00 – 13 – 00 |
To eleven yeards of Cotton and Woolen Cloath |
02 – 04 – 00 |
To 5 bushalls Indiane Corne 1 bushall Ry and bush^l of malt |
01 – 15 – 00 |
To 1 pillion |
00 – 07 – 00 |
To 1 wheele 1 beare Cask 1 Churne 1 Tunnill |
00 – 07 – 00 |
To 1 Vubbard and 2 Cheares |
00 – 12 – 00 |
To 1 Washing Tub bellows and Knife |
00 – 03 – 10 |
The Sum totall
26 – 02 – 10 |
Item To Henry Garnsey Eldest Son of the
above sd John Garnsey Deceased a double portion
being eight pounds ten shillings and
Ten pence as followeth
Item To Ebenezer Garnsey Son of John
Garnsey deceased whose parte or portion is foure
pounds five shillings and five pence is
as followeth
[image 22 of 22]
Item To Joseph Garnsey Son of the sd
John Garnsey deceased whose parte
is foure pounds five shillings and five
pence is as followeth
Item To John Garnsey Son of d John
Garnsey deceased
whose parte is foure pounds five
shillings ten
pence which is as followeth
Item Seth Garnsey Son of the sd John
Garnsey Decsd
Whose parte is foure pounds five
and five pence which is as followeth.
Item Mehetable Horton wife of John
Horton &c
Daughter to the sd John Garnsey Late
whose parte is foure pounds five
shillings and
five pence which is as followeth
To a Cow |
03 – 15 – 00 |
To 1 Chest |
00 – 11 – 00 |
To Due to the Estate |
01 – 01 – 00 |
04 – 05 – 05 |
Item Hannah Horton wife of Thomas
Daughter of the sd John Garnsey
whose parte is as followeth
Elezabeth Bowen wife of James Bowen
Daughter to the sd John Garnsey
Whose ^part^ is foure pounds five
shillings and
five pence which is as followeth
Mary Hix wife of Samuell Hix Daughter
od the sd John Garnsey Deceased Whose
parte is
foure pounds five shillings and five
pence which
is as followeth.
Item Waitstill Tittus Wife of Timothy
Tittus Daughter
of the sd John Garnsey Deceased whose
is as followeth foure pounds five
shillings sixx pence
Beriah Garnsey Son of sd John Garnsey
whose Gordian is Jacob Ormesbe Whose
is fourp ounds five shilling five pence
which is as followeth
The Sum Totall 77 – 07 – 16
John West
Francis Wilson
Jonathan Kingsley
Whear as theare was som which had more
in the
goods then others because we could not
make all things
fare Like we Drawed the over pluss in
and aded to those which were wanting
From John Horton |
01 – 01 – 07 |
From James Bowen |
01 – 04 – 07 |
Samuel hix |
00 – 03 – 03 |
Timothy Tittus |
00 – 05 – 07 |
Bristol Ss July 13^th 1722
The before written devission of y^e
personall estate of mr. Jno Garnsey
being presented unto Nath^ll Paine
Esq^r Judge of Probate of wills
&c within y^e County of Bristol
was by him allowed and ordered to
bee of Record Nath^ll Paine
Bristol July 19^th 1722
Entred in y^e forth book
for wills on 86, 87, 88
The source citation for the entire probate packet is:
Bristol County [Mass.] Register of Probate, Bristol County (Mass.) Probate Records, 1690-1881, Estate File 10414 (22 images), John Garnsey of Rehoboth, 1722; digital images, American Ancestors (http://www.AmericanAncestors.org : accessed 29 January 2017); citing original records at Probate Registry, Taunton, Mass.
John Garnsey (1648-1722) resided in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts when he died on 31 March 1722. He married three times - with his first wife Elizabeth (1652-1714), he had 13 children; with his second wife, Judith Ormsbee (1673-1715), he had one child; with his third wife, Sarah (Miller) Titus (1655-1742), he had no children.
John Garnsey died intestate - leaving no will to probate, so the Probate Court went through the administration process of appointing an administrator, the administrators took an inventory, submitted an account, and distributed the estate to the heirs at law. There are 22 images in the probate packet for John Garnsey of Rehoboth on the American Ancestors website.
John Garnsey (1648-1722) resided in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts when he died on 31 March 1722. He married three times - with his first wife Elizabeth (1652-1714), he had 13 children; with his second wife, Judith Ormsbee (1673-1715), he had one child; with his third wife, Sarah (Miller) Titus (1655-1742), he had no children.
John Garnsey died intestate - leaving no will to probate, so the Probate Court went through the administration process of appointing an administrator, the administrators took an inventory, submitted an account, and distributed the estate to the heirs at law. There are 22 images in the probate packet for John Garnsey of Rehoboth on the American Ancestors website.
In the first post in this series (Part 1), the widow and eldest son petitioned the court to relieve them of administratrix/or responsibility, and the Court appointed Seth Garnsey and James Bowen as administrators.
In the second post (Part 2), the three appraisers produced an Inventory of the estate totaling £110 in real estate and £85-13-11 in personal estate.
In the third post (Part 3), the administrators have made their account and had it approved by the probate court.
In the fourth post (Part 4), the court accepted the account and directed that the balance of the estate be divided one third to the widow and two thirds to the children, with a double share going to the eldest son. The names of 11 children are mentioned in this order to distribute the personal estate.
In this post, the probate court ordered a committee to divide the personal estate of John Garnsey among his heirs, allowing one third to the widow, a double portion to the eldest son, and a single portion to the other ten living children of John Garnsey. A single portion was 4 pounds, 5 shillings and five pence.
They did that, and painstakingly wrote down every thing given to each of the heirs. In some cases, the heir had to pay money to the estate, and some heirs received money to make everything even. Note that I listed the items only for the widow and for my ancestor, Mehitable Horton, wife of John Horton.
There will be one more post for this intestate estate in Bristol County, Massachusetts.
John and Elizabeth (--?--) Garnsey are my 8th great-grandparents, through their eldest child, Mehitable Garnsey (1673-1742) who married John Horton (1672-1752) in about 1689, and resided in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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1 comment:
Over the years I am fascinated that you are able to read these documents from the 1700's. I have a few that I have been working on and they drive me crazy. Well done!
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