Here are some of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week:
1) Moderated the Chula Vista Genealogical Society DNA Interest Group meeting on Wednesday at the library, which had 30 attendees. I presented the science part of my Autosomal DNA presentation, took several surveys of the attendees, and then asked for issues that the group wanted to discuss in future sessions. To help members with adoptee issues, I asked for advice on Facebook and received excellent responses.
2) Found the Mayflower Society application that a reader filled out for me some time ago, and found it in my Downloads folder. Sent it to my cousin as an example that she could use along with her own data. Sorted out my Downloads folder a bit, putting useful files into my Genealogy file folders;this is a never-ending tasks and I need to do it consistently and regularly.
3) A Facebook friend recommended a "Seaver Clan" Facebook page, so I liked it, and found several useful Seaver lines there. One in particular uncovered a long Seaver line, which I added to my RootsMagic tree. I try to add the lines of my Seaver Facebook friends so I can help them if they wish.
4) Transcribed another deed for Amanuensis Monday - 1813 Deed of Shobal C. Allen to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass. today. I downloaded several more of these deeds but I need to download more of them.
5) Participated in today's Mondays With Myrt webinar, and discussed the CVGS DNA Interest Group from last week. We also discussed the Facebook Story feature, the NARA Virtual Genealogy Fair on 24 October, many new books, Valerie and Myrt's excellent adventure to Europe, DNA testing issues and open source problems, record privacy laws, the DAR application, FindMyPast new records, and the IGI.
6) Watched Blaine Bettinger's YouTube video on Why Do I Share Different Amounts of DNA? and several webinars in the Pirates of the Pedigree virtual conference.
7) There were several sessions working in RootsMagic to update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and other database families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 26,579 of my persons with FSFT. I continue to use Web Hints from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 50,989 persons in my RootsMagic file, and 96,727 source citations. I TreeShared thrice during the last week, and resolved over 200 Ancestry Hints. I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 80,006 waiting to be resolved, but I work on them occasionally.
8) Have 309 Shared Ancestors on my AncestryDNA list (I had 310 last week), 1010 4th cousins or closer (I had 1006 last week), and 911 pages (over 45,500 matches with at least 6 cM) (was 909 pages last week) of matches. I have 23 DNA Circles (was 23 last week). I have 16 matches that are third cousins or closer (was 16 last week), and 103 matches with 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 103 last week). My highest match has 779 cM (11.5%), and is one of my first cousins. Added more notes to my DNA matches.
9) Have 4,837 DNA Matches on MyHeritage (up from 4,782 last week) with at least 8 cM (0.12%), with 30 matches with more than 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 30 last week). I have three close relatives, including a first cousin once removed, and two first cousins twice removed. The highest DNA match is 512 cM (7.1%).
10) Have 1,001 DNA Relatives on 23andMe (I had 994 last week) who share at least 0.10% (7 cM) with me. The two closest relatives are third cousins. Of these, only 3 share 1.0% or more, and 50 share 0.50% or more (was 49 last week), with the highest match being 1.54%. My highest match is an adoptee. I struggle to find out anything about most of these testers.
11) Have 2,823 autosomal DNA Matches on FamilyTreeDNA (up from 2,819 last week) who share 0.25% (18 cM) or more, with the highest match being 96 cM (1.42%). I have 12 who share at least 1.0% (68 cM) with me, and 1,517 who share at least 0.50% (34 cM) or more (was 1,516 last week) with me.
12) Wrote 18 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which two were press releases. The most popular post last week was "Seavers in the News -- Charles Seaver Dies in 1939 in Santa Maria, California" with over 450 views.
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Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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