Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Make a Surname Christmas Tree

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision.  

Back in 2013, Leslie Ann had a post on her Ancestors Live Here blog last year titled Wordless Wednesday -- Surname Christmas Tree which I thought was a great idea for an SNGF challenge on a Surname Saturday.  We did it in 2014 last - see here!  Are you game?

1)  Read Leslie Ann's post, and figure out how you could make something similar to hers, or to mine below, or even something different.  

2)  Make your Surname Christmas Tree using your ancestral surnames - there's no limit on the number of surnames - and decorate your tree as you wish.  

3)  Show us your Surname Christmas Tree and tell us how you made it in a blog post of your own, in a Facebook post.  Please leave a comment here so we can all see your creation.

Here's mine:

Here's how I did it:

*  I used my word processor to add the surnames in an approximate tree shape.
*  I colored the surnames green for the tree and brown for the trunk.
*  I went to Google Images and looked for tree ornaments to decorate my tree, saved them, and inserted them into the word processing page.  
*  I saved the word processing page as a PDF file.
*  I opened the PDF file, reduced the magnification, and used the Windows Snipping Tool to create a JPG image.
*  I added the JPG image as above.

It did take me over an hour to create...I have over 10 generations of ancestral surnames on the tree above.  I hope I didn't spell any names wrong!

I showed you mine, now please show me yours!  


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Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at


Linda Stufflebean said...

Your tree is pretty fancy. I like it! I posted a simplified version on December 1: using Word.

Lisa S. Gorrell said...

Here is my version of the tree I made in 2013. I cannot find the file that created this tree, so I cannot add Nicholas, Hocking, and Philips, which I discovered during a research trip in Cornwall.

Yvonne Demoskoff said...

I took tonight's Christmas tree challenge, Randy.

It's at:

Janice M. Sellers said...

My tree is similar to Randy's.

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Cute idea!