It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from the Salt Lake Tribune [Salt Lake City, Utah] newspaper dated 21 February 1951:
"William K. Seaver
LOGAN -- William K. Seaver, 60, native of Illinois and resident of Logan for the past 25 years, died at his home here, 236 N. 2nd West, following a long illness.
"He was born in Illinois, Feb. 25, 1891, a son of Knute and Jennie Rude Seaver. He married Erma Gessel, Aug. 5, 1925, in Farmington. For many years he was employed by the White Electric Sewing Machine Co.
"Surviving are his widow and the following children: William J., Jeannie, Sandra, Carol, Susan and Cynthia Seaver, all of Logan; two brothers and three sisters, Fred O. Seaver, Wallworth, Wis.; Elmer Seaver, Decatur, Ill.; Mrs. Ida Osborne, New York; Mrs. Louise Curtis, Urbana, Ill,, and Mrs. Frances Ackerman, Beloit, Wis., and one grandson.
"Funeral services will be conducted Friday at noon in the Fourth-Sixteenth ward chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Charles D. Tate, bishop of the Sixteenth ward. Friends may call at the family home Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to time of services. Burial will be in Logan city cemetery under the direction of the Kenneth Lindquist mortuary."
The source citation for the article is:
"William K. Seaver" obituary, Salt Lake Tribune [Salt Lake City, Utah], 21 February 1951, page 38, column 6, William K. Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 13 December 2018).
The obituary provides the birth date, spouse's maiden name, marriage date and place, but does not state the death date (according to other records, it was 20 February 1951 in Logan). It names all of his living children. It also names his parents and living siblings, with married surnames of the sisters.
I had William Knudt Seaver and Erma Gessel in my RootsMagic family tree with four of the six children. I did not have Susan and Cynthia in my file because they were born after 1940.
William Knudt Seaver was a descendant of Norwegian immigrants to Wisconsin and then northern Illinois who adopted the Seaver name because his grandfather's Norwegian surname was Sjursen, which was anglicized in Illinois after immigration in the 1840s.
I am not related (to my knowledge) to this Seaver family.
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