The treasure today is the 1888 marriage record of Henry Shannon Buntin and Anna Mattison Auble in Vigo County, Indiana:
The Buntin-Auble marriage is at the top of the page:
The transcription of this record is:
Be it Remembered, That, on the day therein named, the following Marriage License was
issued, to-wit:
Any person empowered by law to solemnize marriage is authorized to JOIN TOGETHER AS HUSBAND AND WIFE
Henry Shannon Buntin and Anna Mattison Auble
Witness the Clerk and seal of the Vigo Circuit Court, this 15 day of Decem 18 88
John C. Warren Clerk
And afterwards on the 26 day of Jany 18 89 the following Certificate and Report
of Marriage was filed in the office of said Clerk, to-wit:
This certifies that I joined in marriage Henry S. Buntin and
Anna M. Auble on the 7 day of Decr 18 88
S.B. Town
The source citation for this record is:
"Vigo County (Indiana) Marriage Index: 1818-1951," online database, Vigo County Public Library ( accessed 20 July 2010), Henry Shannon Buntin and Anna Mattison Auble marriage entry.
The beautiful thing about this record from the Vigo County, Indiana County Clerk's office is that it provides the full names of the groom and bride, and the license, recording and marriage date, plus the name of the officiant. The only problem is that the license is dated 8 days after the marriage! The marriage date was probably 17 December 1888, not 7 December 1888, but who knows?
Anna Mattison Buntin (1859-1913) is the daughter of my 2nd great-grandparents, David Auble (1817-1894) and Sarah G. Knapp (1818-1904). She is the sister of my great-grandfather, Charles Auble (1849-1916), and therefore is my great-grandaunt.
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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