Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):
1) Ellen Thompson-Jennings posted 20 questions on her Hound on the Hunt blog two weeks ago - see Even More Questions About Your Ancestors and Maybe A Few About You (posted 27 June).
2) We will do these five at a time - Questions 11 to 15 tonight (we did 1 through 5 two weeks ago and questions 6 tthrough 10 last week)
3) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook post.
Here's mine:
11) If money wasn’t an issue; where would you go to do genealogy research?
Frankly, the problem isn't money, it's time. With time and money, I would go to these places to do genealogy and family history research:
* Ontario, Canada to see the places that my Kemp, Sovereen, Dafoe, Martin, and Hutchinson ancestors lived, and to research in repositories in those places.
* Somerset in England to see the places that my Vaux, Palmer and other ancestors lived and to research there. I would also go to Wiltshire again and do research in London at The National Archives.
* Washington DC to research in the National Archives and the DAR Library.
* Boston to research at NEHGS again (last in 1995, I think!) and perhaps get help with several brick walls.
12) Do you ever feel like you’re the only person researching your family?
Yep, I know I am for many of the surname lines I have. For persons born after 1700, I get very few comments or changes to profiles in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Before 1700, there are often several others for each ancestral family.
13) Why do you think you’re interested in your family history and other family members might not be?
Because of a lifelong interest in history, and my place in that history being lived. I really respect the lives of my ancestors and their efforts to succeed in life. My brothers didn't seem that interested in history. Everybody is leading a busy life. I started when I was 45 and needed a new hobby.
14) Do you intend to write about your genealogy/family history findings?
I write about my genealogy and family history findings every day, with weekly posts transcribing a document for Amanuensis Monday, summarizing records in Treasure Chest Tuesday and Thursday, posting a family photograph for Wordless Wednesday, writing an ancestor biography for 52 Ancestors, listing a surname history in Surname Saturday, etc.
I have family history reports on Scribd in PDF form for my ancestral lines and descendancy from several ancestors that are found by Google searches. I have written two family history books, now sadly out of date, that were distributed to my family members.
15) Did you ever make a genealogy mistake that caused you to have to prune your family tree?
The biggest pruning job for me was when I found out that Devier James Lamphear Smith was adopted and that cost me my Smith and Bell line. The latter had a fine Hudson River Dutch line (Bresee, Van Deusen, Scism, Dyckman, Meyer, Viele, etc.) that had to be abandoned. I'm working on the Lamphear line still since I don't know the birth parents of Devier, but I'm pretty sure his grandparents are Isaac and Rosina (Laun) Lanfear of Lorraine, New York.
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
I'm enjoying these questions.
These were fun questions.
Here are my answers for Part 3:
Good questions! Here are my answers to 11-15, even if a little late.
These are my responses. Thanks, Randy.
My post.
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