It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from The Buffalo [N.Y.] Times newspaper dated 10 September 1909:
The transcription of the article is:
Popular Assistant to Corporation counsel Desbecker Passed Away at General Hospital This Morning from Appendicitis - Bright Future Cut Short.
"Expressions of deep sorrow and regret on account of the death of Fred H. Seaver are being heard today at City Hall and about the city, where he was acquainted. Mr. Seaver died early this morning at the General Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis on Sunday night. Although every hope of recovery was grasped, Mr. Seaver gradually lost vitality and at about 2:30 o'clock this morning the end came.
"Fred Seaver was born in this city 26 years ago the 17th of this month. He was the son of Judge and Mrs. Joseph V. Seaver, of No. 1165 Delaware Avenue. Mr. Seaver's early education was the the public schools of this city. He was graduated from Masten Park High School. Later he attended the University of Buffalo, taking the law course. When he was 21 years old he was graduated from that university and was immediately appointed to his chosen profession.
"Being of a sunny disposition, Mr. Seaver had a host of friends and the success in his profession was soon an assured thing. He became a member of the law firm Seaver & Seaver, being associated with his father. When Corporation Counsel Louis E. Desbecker was elected in 1905 he immediately appointed Mr. Seaver as one of his assistants and he went into his new position January 1, 1906. Since that time he has served the city in its legal department.
"Four years ago last June Mr. Seaver was married to Miss Jessie Dikeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Dikeman, of No. 233 West Ferry Street. One daughter was born to them, who is now three years old. Besides his wife and child, Mr. Seaver is survived by his father and mother and six brothers and sisters."
The source citation for the article is:
"Fred H. Seaver Dead After Operation," The Buffalo [N.Y.] Times newspaper, obituary, Friday, 10 September 1909, page 16 column 6, Fred H. Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 7 August 2019).
Life is certainly full of surprises. Here's a young man, newly married and a young father, excelling in his work, and he is struck down by appendicitis and the operation to save his life failed.
I had Frederick Howard Seaver's birth date, and his death year, but not his death date. I did not know about his wife and daughter. I found the daughter's name in the 1910 U.S. Census - Alene D. Seaver, and her husband Leslie C. Thellemann, and their Find A Grave memorials.
This Seaver line is from Ireland, with the immigrant being Joseph Seaver (1794-1874) who came to Buffalo after 1851.
I am not related to Frederick Howard Seaver.
Disclosure: I have a paid subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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