This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is the 1796 deed of Nathan Gates buying land from Samuel Hoar in Gardner, Massachusetts in the Worcester County, Massachusetts Land Records:
[Volume 138, pages 134-135]
[page 134, near bottom of left-hand page]
[in left margin]
Hoar Sam^l
Nathan Gates
[body of text]
Know all men by these presents that I
Samuel Hoar of Lincoln in the County of
Middlesex & Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Esquire in consideration of the sum of one hund-
red & eighty dollars paid by Nathan Gates of Gard-
ner in the County of Worcester & Commonwealth
aforesaid Yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby
acknowledge do hereby give grant sell & convey
unto the said said Nathan Gates a certain tract
or parcel of land in the the Easterly part of Gardner
bounded as followeth viz. beginning at the
Northwesterly corner at a stake & stones thence
running south 22 degrees East 48 rods to a stake
& stones thence turning & running South 66-3/4
[page 135]
West 34 rods & 19 links to the corner by a Town road &
heap of stones thence turning & running by s^d road 14 rods
to a stake & stones thence turning & running North 76-1/4
degrees East 25 rods 29 links to a stake & stones thence
turning & running South 61-1/2 degrees East 18 rods to a
stake & stones by the brook thence turing & running North
44-1/4 degrees East 15 rods to a hemlock marked thence turn &
running North 16-1/2 degrees East 16 rods 220 links ro a spruce
tree marked thence turning & running North 63 de-
grees East 9 rods to a dead spruce tree thence turning and
running Northwesterly ^in a^ straight ^line^ to a stake in the swamp
43 rods to the corner of s^d Gates land thence turning & run-
ning South 87-3/4 degrees East thirty nine rods to the corner &
bounds first mentioned.
To have and to hold the afore-
granted premises to the said Nathan Gates his heirs
& assigns to their use & behoof forever. And I do covenant
with the said Nathan Gates his heirs & assigns that I am law-
fully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises that they are
free of all incumbrances that I have good right to sell &
convey the same to the said Nathan Gates & that I will war-
rant & defend the same premises to the said Nathan
Gates his heirs & assigns forever against the lawful claims
& demands of all persons.
In witness whereof I the said Samuel Hoar have here-
unto set my hand & seal this twenty eighth day of Sep-
tember in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hund-
red and ninety six.
Signed sealed delivered Sam^l Hoar {L.S.]
in presence of us
Abner Holden
Abner Holden Jun^r. Worcester ss Westminster Sep^r ye 29th 1796
Then the above named Samuel Hoar the above grant-
or acknowledged the above instrument to be his
free act & deed before me Abner Holden Justice of the peace
Sep^r 18, 1799 Rec^d enter^d & exam^d pr Dan^l Clap Reg^r.
The source citation for this recorded deed is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 January 2015), Worcester County, "Deeds, 1799-1800, Vol. 138-139," Volume 138, pages 134-135 (images 115 of 744), Deed of Samuel Hoar to Nathan Gates, executed 28 September 1796, recorded 18 September 1799.
In this deed, Nathan Gates, yeoman of Gardner, bought a tract of land in the eastern part of Gardner from Samuel Hoar of Lincoln for 180 dollars.
Nathan Gates (1767-1830), who married Abigail Knowlton (1774-1855) in 1790, is my 4th great-grandfather. I am descended from their daughter, Abigail Gates (1797-1867) who married Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825) in 1817.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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