Friday, November 15, 2019

Genealogy News Bytes - Friday, 15 November 2019

Some of the genealogy news and education items across my monitor the last three days include:

2)  New or Updated Record Collections:

3)  Genealogy Education - Webinars (times are US Pacific):

 GeneaWebinars Calendar

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Tuesday, 19 November, 5 p.m.:  Native American Research: Things You May Not Know, by Paula Stuart-Warren

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 20 November, 11 a.m.:  A la Karte: Borders, Maps and Gazetteers for German Genealogists, by James Beidler

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:   Soldier's Homes (1865-1930) Caring for our Veterans, by Rick Sayre

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Online German Church Registers, Duplicates and Substitutes, by James Beidler

4)  Genealogy Education - Podcasts:

*  Genealogy Gems:  Episode 235

*  Fisher's Top Tips:  #128r - The Final Step

*  Ancestral Findings:  What is Autosomal DNA? | AF-294

5)  Genealogy Videos (YouTube):

6)  Genealogy Bargains:

7)  DNA Stories:

8)  Did you miss the last Genealogy News Bytes - 12 November 2019?


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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