Friday, March 27, 2020

Blaine Bettinger Announces Updated Shared CentiMorgan Tool, Version 4.0

Blaine Bettinger, author of The Genetic Genealogist blog and one of the genealogy world's rockstars, announced that he has updated his Shared CentMorgan project.  His blog post is Version 4.0! March 2020 Update to the Shared cM Project!

In addition, he has shared the 56 page document that provides a summary of the raw data and all of the charts that support the chart above in PDF form in  The Shared cM Project Version 4.0 (March 2020).

There are changes to the averages, minimums, and maximums for known relationships between persons.  The results are from DNA matches with over 60,000 submissions from genealogists and geneticists.  

This chart, and the others, is very helpful to determine relationships with your DNA matches.  However, the averages are for those relationships that have a matching cM value, and does not average in those known relationships that have no matching cM value.  The chart notes at the bottom that "...averages were determined only for submissions in which DNA was shared."

Thank you, Blaine, for making this process and the results available and transparent to the genealogy world!


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