Monday, August 24, 2020

Amanuensis Monday -- 1727 Inventory of the Estate of John Fisher (1677-1727) of Medfield, Mass.

This week's document for transcription is the 1727 Inventory of the estate of John Fisher (1677-1727) of Medfield, Massachusetts, in Probate Packet 5,512 in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts probate court records:

Image 8 of 16:

The transcription of these papers is:

A True Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels &
Credets with the Housings and Lands of John Fisher Juner
of Medfield (Deceased) as it was prized ^by^ us y'e Subscribers on the
20 Day of October 1727, which is as followeth …..

Li  –  s  –  d
To Money
04—05-- 04
To Wearing Cloaths and Books
To Beds & Beding Arms Linnen woolen Cloath
To Saks Iron pots Kittle Skillets pewter
To Earthen ware wooden & Iron ware Horse furniture
To Tubs Barrels Chaires Tables Chests & other Lumber
To Husbandry Tooles Syiths Sickles Axes Horse forks Rope
To Graine Indian corne Rye Barley malt oats
To flax Hemp Spinning wheeles Cards wooll Hops Tallow
To Cart plows Tobacco Coall Shop and Tooles
To one ox Cows Heifers Horse Sheep and Swine
To House & Barn and the Home stead
To meadow Thre Acres Swamp fifteen acres
To other Land & Swamp
To other Buildings and Lands


Ebenezer Mason
Abraham Harding
George Barbur

Suffolk SS By the Hon'ble Samuel Sewall Esq'r Jud.
                                                         of Prob't &c.

Josiah Fisher Admin'r presented the foregoing & made oath that
it Contains a true & perfect Inventory of the Estate of his brother
John Fisher late of Medfield aforesaid Deceased so far as hath
Come to his knowledge & that if more hereafter appears he will
Cause it to be Added. The Apprizers were sworn on the
16'th day of Octo'r last as the Law Directs.
Boston Dec'r 5'th 1727        Coram Samuel Sewall

The source citation for this probate case file is:

Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Packet #5,512 (16 images), John Fisher of Medfield, administration granted 1727; "Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1636-1893," indexed database and digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors ( : accessed 12 August 2020); from records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, digitized images provided by

John Fisher (1677-1727) married Abigail Smith (1686-1725) in 1705, and he died 14 August 1727.  They had seven children, but three of the children died before 1727, leaving four children  - Abigail (aged 15), John (age 13), Sarah (age 8) and Joshua (age 2) at John's death in 1727.  

Josiah Fisher was appointed administrator of the estate of his brother, John Fisher (1677-1727), on 16 October 1727 by the Suffolk County Probate Court.  The Inventory of the personal and real property was taken on 20 October 1727 appraised at £531-06-08, and was approved by the Court on 5 December 1727.  The Real Estate was valued at £353.  The administrator provided an Account that was approved by the Court on 25 October 1728.  In 1735, after the eldest son was age 21, the Court required an appraisal of the real estate, awarded all of the real property to the eldest son John, and he to pay shares equal to his three siblings.

John and Abigail (Smith) Fisher are my 7th great-grandparents, through their daughter Abigail Fisher (1711-1785) who married John Plimpton (1708-1756) in 1731.


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

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