Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):1. Does your genealogy management software (e.g, Family Tree Maker, RootsMagic, Legacy Family Tree, Reunion, Heredis, Family Historian, etc.) create a "Fact List" report (or something similar) - a list of the profiles in your family tree that have (or don't have) a specific Fact (e.g., birth, death, burial, immigration, etc.)?
2. If so, run a Fact List to determine which people have a specific Fact (or don't have a specific Fact) and share it with us.
3. Share your results with us in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook post. Leave a comment on this post with a link to your results.
Here's mine:
I use RootsMagic 7 as my genealogy management program of choice. In the program, I can choose "Fact List" from the "Reports > Print a Report" screen:
On the "Fact List" report settings screen, I can choose the type of list that I want from the dropdown menu on the left of the settings screen:
I chose "People with this fact type."
Then I chose the Fact Type from the dropdown menu on the right on the settings screen:
I chose the "Burial" fact.
I can create the "Burial Fact" List by clicking on the "Generate Report" button. Here is my list:
I received a 638 page report. It took about 2 minutes to create this list. Each page has between 20 and 40 names on it, so I can't tell exactly how many profiles I have with Burial Facts. If the average page count is 30, then I have about 19,000, out of a tree with 59,200 people.
I tried to create a Fact List for people with a Burial Fact for which I have a source citation, but the program was still running after 5 minutes so I stopped it.
NOTE: Creating lists like this, and other reports, is one of the benefits of using a genealogy management software program. Most online family trees do not have this capability. If you have only an online family tree, then you could download a GEDCOM file of your online tree, upload it to a genealogy management software program, and create lists, reports, charts, books, etc.
Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at
Here's my post about my FTM19 software:
Thanks to this post, Randy, now I have another project to do! Source my facts!
Here is my post. I need to definitely add more non-vital record facts to my database.
Here is my post.
Here's my post!
Here's mine:
Following your clear instructions, I created a fact list of marriages and used it to focus my research on gaps in my genealogy research. Thanks for this great idea about using my genealogy software!
Here's mine...I was surprised to discover that ONLY RM has this specific report...though Family Tree Analyzer can do the same thing, it's not the same as FTM, Legacy, etc...
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