This week's document for transcription is the 1685 Bond and Order to Administer the Estate of George Barbur (1617-1685) of Medfield, Massachusetts, in Probate Packet 1,404 in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts probate court records.
Image 6 of 6:The transcription of this bond and order is:
Know all men by these presents that we Samuel Barbur
of Meadfield Innholder, Jonathan Bridgham and Joseph
Bridgham of Boston, Tanners, all within the County of Suffolke
Massachusetts Colony in New Engl. are holden and stand firmly
bound and obliged unto m^r John Hubbard of Boston Treasur'r
for the s'd County of Suffolke in the Sum of Three hundred
pounds to be paid unto the s'd Treasure'r , his Successo'rs in s'd
Office or assignes in currant money of New England
To the true payment whereof we do binde and oblige
our selves and either of us by himselfe our heires Exec'rs
and Adm'rs jointly and severally firmly by these presents
Sealed with our Seales. Dated in Boston the fifteenth
Day of May Ann'o Dom'i One thousand six hundred Eighty
and five 1685.
The Condition of this present Oblig'con is such that whereas L'ters
of Adm'con to y'e Estate of Cap'ne George Barbur late of Meadfield
dece'd intestate are granted unto the above bounden Samuel, his
son, an Inventory whereof he hath exhibited upon Oath.
If therefore the s'd Samuel Barbur do and shall well and truely
Administer all and singular the goods and Estate of his said
late Father Cap'ne George Barbur, according to law, and within
twelve months next coming or sooner if required, render unto
he Court for s'd County a just and true accompt of his said
Adm'con and shall likewise be accountable and responsable
for the s'd goods and Estate unto the s'd Court or their Order
whensoever Lawfully called thereunto Then this above written
Obliga'con to be void and of none Effect, Or else to abide and
remain in full force power and virtue.
Sealed and delive'd
in y'e presence of us Samuel Barbur
Warner Wosendonck Jonathan Bridgham
Is'a Addington Clre. Joseph Bridgham
The source citation for this probate case file is:
Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Packet #1,404 (6 images), George Barbur of Medfield, 1685; "Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1636-1893," indexed database and digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors ( : accessed 25 June 2020); from records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, digitized images provided by
George Barbur (1617-1685) married Elizabeth Clarke (1620-1683) in 1642 in Dedham, Massachusetts. They had nine children:
* Elizabeth Barber (1641-1642)
* Mary Barber (1643-1643)
* Mary Barber (1644-1700, married 1666 Jonathan Morse (1643-1727)
* Samuel Barber (1647-1736), married 1676 Sarah Millens (1654-1721)
* John Barber (1649-1688), married 1674 Abigail Babcock (1656-1693)
* Elizabeth Barber (1651-1714), married 1669 Daniel Morse (1641-1702)
* Hannah Barber (1654-1705), married 1686 Ebenezer Babcock (1662-1716)
* Zechariah Barber (1656-1705), married 1683 Abiell Ellice (1662-1716)
* Abigail Barber (1659-????), married 1691 Samuel Thorne (1655-????).
George Barbur died intestate on 13 April 1685 in Medfield, and the Inventory on his estate was taken on 23 April 1685. On 15 May 1685, bond was given in the amount of 300 pounds by Samuel Barbur, Jonathan Bridgham and Joseph Bridgham, and the Court appointed Samuel Barbur as administrator of the estate of his father, George Barbur. The Court ordered the administrator to administer the estate and provide an account in one year. There are no papers in this estate file that list the heirs, the distribution or the account of this estate.
George and Elizabeth (Clarke) are my 8th great-grandparents, through their son Zechariah Barber (1656-1705) who married Abiell Ellice (1662-1716) in 1683 in Medfield.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
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1 comment:
Another Samuel Barber (Inventory April 1690 Dedham MA)
He m. 1676 Dedham, Sarah Mills (Nov. 1654 Dedham MA->1690) . 5 children born in Dedham.
His origins are not known, Feb 1673 he was allowed to “sojourn with Michael Metcalf’ in Dedham;
in August 1674 he was allowed “to sojourn at Nathaniel Gay’s house for the present.”
Although not a son of George Barber & Elizabeth Clark, he may have been a near relation.
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