Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week:
1) Attended the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) Board Meeting on Zoom on Wednesday. The society is still perking along with four Zoom meetings every month. I reported on the Newsletter, Research Group meeting, and DNA Interest Group meeting. There will be no Holiday Luncheon in December this year, and the elections are postponed until the COVID-19 crisis is past.
2) Wrote, edited and distributed the CVGS "Family History Gazette" newsletter for November on Sunday to the current society members. This issue includes information about the next program meeting on the Mayflower, a spotlight on past board members, summaries of the October meetings, link lists of genealogy news, interesting blog posts, recent YouTube videos and upcoming Family Tree Webinars presentations, plus society involvement articles. The newsletter will be on the CVGS website soon.
3) Attended the San Diego Genealogical Society (SDGS) DNA Interest Group meeting on Saturday in a Zoom meeting hosted by Colin Whitney, featuring Kathleen Hernandes presentation on Endogamy. There were about 30 in attendance.
4) Participated in today's Mondays With Myrt Zoom webinar. We discussed file backups, RootsMagic TreeShare feature, Remembrance/Veterans Day, Dave's War of 1812 pension file on Fold3, my post about mining obituaries on Ancestry, Frank's Germany birth record annotations, and more.
5) Watched one Family Tree Webinars video - In Black and White: Finding Historical Newspapers From Around the World, by Gena Philibert-Ortega.
6) Wrote and posted a biographical sketch of my 7th great-grandfather #566 John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Mass. for my 52 Ancestors biographical sketch on Friday.
7) Transcribed a probate record in Amanuensis Monday -- 1685 Bond and Order to Administrate the Estate of George Barbur (1617-1685) of Medfield, Massachusetts for Amanuensis Monday today.
8) Added Notes to 26 more AncestryDNA matches with cM values, relationships and known common ancestors. Ancestry added 35 new DNA matches this past week. I added 2 more ThruLines to my RootsMagic tree. MyHeritage added 14 new DNA matches. Reviewed the new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe.
9) There were several sessions working in the RootsMagic software program to match with and update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and my ancestral families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 38,535 of my RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree profiles (up 143).
10) Used Web Hints and Record Matches from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 59,841 persons in my RootsMagic file (up 116), and 127,977 source citations (up 182). I TreeShared with my Ancestry Member Tree twice this week updating 253 profiles, and I resolved 1,497 Ancestry Hints. I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 139,487 to be resolved, but I work on them almost daily. I have 145,178 MyHeritage Record Matches to be resolved and work on them weekly.
11) Wrote 15 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which one was a press release. The most popular post last week was Mining the Obituary Index Record Hints on Ancestry with over 447 views.
12) We are still fine here at the Genea-cave, hunkered down and not going out much in Week 34 of COVID-19 isolation. I went to the grocery store on Monday and Friday, and it wasn't too busy. We went to indoors church on Sunday. It rained this past weekend and turned cool. Other than that, it was stay-at-home on the computer doing genealogy, eating, sleeping and a little yard work, and I started another new crime fiction book on my laptop.
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