Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week:
1) Moderated the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) Research Group Meeting on Zoom on Wednesday with 22 in attendance. I reported on the Ancestry purchase by Blackstone, the better MyHeritage In Color feature, the RootsTech 2021 conference, the 1950 US Census release in April 2022, my Mayflower society application progress, the Early New England Families 1641-1700 Study Project, finding Famous Relatives on FamilySearch, and adding Life Sketches to FamilySearch Family Tree. Then Genea-Santa visited, and the attendees told him about their Santa wish list.
2) Participated in today's Mondays With Myrt Zoom webinar. Genea-Santa visited here also, and we talked about our Christmas stories - memories of family times, gifts and food goodies; Norway church records; Ireland research; Funerals on Zoom; Family Historian Version 7; transcription errors; handwriting, transcriptions and abstracts.
3) Watched one webinar - Your DNA questions answered live with Diahan by Diahan Southard - on Family Tree Webinars.
4) Wrote and posted a biographical sketch of my 7th great-grandmother #573 Elizabeth (Treat) Snow (1676-1755) of Eastham, Mass. for my 52 Ancestors biographical sketch on Friday.
5) Transcribed a probate record in 1729 Will of Caleb Beck (1675-1733) of Schenectady, New York for Amanuensis Monday today.
6) Added Notes to 12 more AncestryDNA matches with cM values, relationships and known common ancestors. Ancestry added 12 new DNA matches this past week, with no new ThruLines. MyHeritage added 14 new DNA matches. Reviewed the new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe.
7) There were several sessions working in the RootsMagic software program to match with and update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and my ancestral families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 39,271 of my RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree profiles (up 132).
8) Used Web Hints and Record Matches from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 60,460 persons in my RootsMagic file (up 91), and 130,075 source citations (up 398). I TreeShared with my Ancestry Member Tree twice this week updating 298 profiles, and I resolved 938 Ancestry Hints. I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 142,570 to be resolved, but I work on them almost daily. On MyHeritage, I resolved 24 any Record Matches, and have 143,834 to resolve.
9) Wrote 16 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which two were a press release. The most popular post last week was Amanuensis Monday -- 1705 Will and Inventory of John Houghton (1647-1705) of New London, Conn. with over 339 views.
10) We are still fine here at the Genea-cave, hunkered down and not going out much in Week 39 of COVID-19 isolation. I went to the grocery store on Monday and Friday, and it wasn't too busy. We got the Christmas letter done and sent out 70 cards. Linda had an eye doctor appointment for her cataracts. Other than that, it was stay-at-home on the computer doing genealogy, eating, sleeping, cleaning, a little yard work, watched the Aztecs and Chargers football games, and I started another new mystery fiction book on my laptop.
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