Tuesday, February 23, 2021

RootsTech Connect 2021 Starts Wednesday, 7 p.m. EST, 4 p.m. PST

 The RootsTech Connect 2021 conference (FREE, virtual, 25 to 27 February 2021) will start on Wednesday, 24 February at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST) with the opening of the virtual Expo Hall.  There is an excellent short video about the conference at https://youtu.be/a46UyrLyghg.

The updated RootsTech website with all features will be available on Wednesday, 24 February at an unknown time - perhaps in the morning?

The last report I have on the number of registrants is 433,255 people in 235 countries, but that was yesterday.  Some are speculating that there will be 500,000 registrants or more.

The Keynote speaker schedule is available at (times are in Eastern Time, GMT - 5 hours)  https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/RootsTech/2021/Main-Stage-Schedule-eng.pdf.  The Keynotes will be repeated on Friday.  There will be sponsor segments during the Keynote presentations.

The class and technical tips Sessions list is available at (times in Eastern Time, GMT - 5 hours)  https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/RootsTech/2021/RootsTech-Connect-2021-Sessions-eng.pdf.  There is no set schedule - you can watch them for up to a year for free.  Many sessions will have a link to a handout.  Classes will be about 20 minutes in length, and technical tips will be about 5 minutes in length.

1)  We discussed many of the RootsTech Connect 2021 features on Mondays With Myrt yesterday - watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch79ZyUT0pg

On this video, I shared about my plans for RootsTech Connect 2021:

"I'm not going to bother watching classes during the conference - I'm going to do what I always do at RT - check out the Expo Hall and watch the vendor presentations and ask questions in chat, and then find the panels of experts, and check out the chat rooms by topic. I won't watch most of the keynotes because they aren't about genealogy that will help me...I figure that if I watch an hour a day of classes I can see them all in a year."

2)  On the "Relatives at RootsTech" website, there are over 188,000 persons using the website, and I have 40,332 relatives at 2 p.m. PST today. 

The "Relatives at RootsTech" app is available on smart phones and tablets (iOS and Android) on the Family Tree mobile app.  On the app, go to "More" and tap either "Find Relatives at RootsTech."  All of the features on the website, except for the map function, are accessible on the mobile app.  Here is a screen cap I took of one of my Relatives at RootsTech:

As you can see, I am a 9th cousin 1x removed to my friend and colleague Pat Richley-Erickson with common ancestors of Edward and Rebecca (--?--) Bangs.  

Unfortunately, the mobile app and the website only provide the closest common ancestors and not all of the common ancestors.  Also - the FamilySearch Family Tree is the source for this information, so if the tree is wrong, then so is the estimate.  My own philosophy is that I don't trust the Family Tree before about 1700.

3)  For more information about RootsTech 2021, see:

*  "Relatives at RootsTech" App at RootsTech Connect 2021 Now Online

*  RootsTech Connect 2021 - The Website Unveiled (On Video)

*  Mondays with Myrt - 2021RootsTech Connect Prep (Pat Richley-Erickson)

Navigating the RootsTech Connect Portal (Linda Stufflebean)

*  RootsTech Connect 2021: I’m Registered, Now What? (Amie Bowser Tennant)

*  Join Us at RootsTech 2021 with Free Virtual Classes by Ancestry®

4)  I hope to "see" you, and all of my Genea-Musings readers, there!  It's free and online.  And genealogy education and experiences for two full 24 hour days.


Disclosure:  I am a RootsTech Connect 2021 Ambassador and have committed to providing regular publicity about the conference.  I have received free registration, snacks, meals and other benefits from FamilySearch over the 11 years of RootsTech.

The URL for this post is:  https://www.geneamusings.com/2021/02/rootstech-connect-2021-starts-wednesday.html

Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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