This week's document for transcription is the 1797 land deed record for Aaron Smith, cordwainer of Medfield, buying land in Medfield, Massachusetts from Stephen Metcalf and John Baxter, administrators of the estate of Dr. Moses Hill of Medfield, for $152:
[Norfolk County, Mass. Deeds - Volume 9, Page 38]:
The transcription of this deed is (starting at the top of the left-hand page of the image):
To all People whom these Presents shall come Whereas I Stephen Metcalf Esq'r of Bellingham and John Baxter of Medfield Gentle'm both of
the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Adm'rs upon the
the Estate of D'r Moses Hill late of Medfield in the County & Commonwealth afore-
said Gentle'n deceas'd by an order of the supreme Judicial Court of the Common-
wealth aforesaid which was begun & holden at Boston in & for the County of Suffolk
on the third Tuesday of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and ninety seven were licenced to make sale of the real Estate of the
said deceased for to satisfy the just debts by him owing at the time of his death
& for incidental charges. Therefore know ye that we the said Stephen
Metcalf & John Baxter adm'rs as aforesaid as well by virtue of the power and
authority to us given as aforesaid as in consideration of the sum of one hundred and
fifty two dollars paid us by Aaron Smith of said Medfield Cordwainer the receipt
whereof we do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained & sold & do hereby in said
capacity grant bargain sell & convey & confirm unto him the said Aaron Smith
his heirs & assigns forever, A certain messuage or lot of swampy Land laying the pine
swamp (so called)containing by estimate on eleven acres & a half be it more or less bounded
southwesterly on Stop River northwesterly upon the Land of Francis Hamant & on
the Land of Asa Hamant on all other parts. To have & to hold the same with all the
privileges & appur'ces thereof to him the s'd Aaron Smith his heirs & assigns forever.
And we do hereby in the capacity aforesaid covenant with the s'd Aaron Smith his
heirs & assigns that the said Moses Hill died seized of the premises. That we were du-
ly licenced by s'd Court to make sale thereof and that it was necessary the same should
be sold for the purposes aforesaid, that previous to the intended sale we took the oath
by Law prescribed & gave publick notice thereof according to the directions of the
Law in such cases made & provided & that said Aaron Smith offered most for
the said premises and the sume was thereupon struck off to him for the sum
aforesaid at a public vendue held at the House of the deceased on the ninth Day
of May One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven And we do further in
the capacity aforesaid will warrant secure & defend the same to him the said Aaron
Smith his heirs & assigns forever, against the lawful Claims & Demands of
all Persons. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals
the third Day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
and ninety seven. Steph'n Metcalf {seal} John Baxter {seal}. Signed
sealed & delivered in presents of us George Ellis Silas Bullard
Norfolk ss July 5, 1797. Personally appeared Stephen Metcalf &
John Baxter & acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their
free Act & Deed Before me Daniel Perry Justice of the Peace.
January 2, 1798. Received entered & examined
By Eliph. Pond Reg'r
The source citations for this land record is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 September 2021), Norfolk County, "Deeds 1795-1797, vol. 7-9," Volume 9, Page 38 (image 621 of 863), deed of Stephen Metcalf and John Baxter to Aaron Smith, executed 5 July 1797, recorded 2 January 1798; citing original records in County Courthouses, and on FHL Microfilms.
This deed is for an 11 acre parcel of land in Norfolk County, Massachusetts with boundaries, one of which is the Stop River. It bounds on land of Francis Hamant and Asa Hamant.
Aaron Smith (1765-1841) was the son of Moses and Patience (Hamant) Smith of Walpole. He married Mercy Plimpton (1772-1850) in 1795 in Medfield, and they had eight children. Aaron and Mercy (Plimpton) Smith are my 4th great-grandparents through their son Alpheus Smith (1802-1840).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions for my ancestors in Amanuensis Monday Posts.
Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
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