Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Updated AncestryDNA Leeds Method Chart

 We discussed the Leeds Method of clustering your DNA matches by grandparent today in the Chula Vista Genealogical Society DNA Interest Group meeting today on Zoom.

I updated my AncestryDNA chart from 2019.  Here it is:

I did all of my DNA matches down to 50 cM in this spreadsheet.  If I know the common ancestors, I put then in the righthand column.  I don't know the common ancestors for 12 of my 48 matches on this list. The common ancestors were found using AncestryDNA ThruLines or by researching the family line.  

Some observations:

*  I have only 48 DNA matches with 50 cM shared DNA or more, out of 1678 "Close matches - 4th cousins or closer" (about 2.86%) and 37,823 total DNA matches (about 0.127%).

* I have a lot of Richmond (paternal grandmother's line) DNA matches in my 48 - 36 of them!  My great-grandparents Richmond, 2nd great-grandparents and 3rd great-grandparents in this line all had 8 or 9 children and most of them had children.

*  I have only 6 DNA matches in my Seaver (paternal grandfather's line), because my grandfather Frederick Seaver was the only child who had children in the Frank Walton Seaver family (great-grandfather), and 2nd great-grandfather Isaac Seaver had only 3 children with children, but only Frank has AncestryDNA descendants to date. 5 of the 6 matches descend from siblings of my father so they share both Richmond and Seaver as shown on the chart.  I have many more matches for Seaver with less than 50 cM shared DNA.

*  I have 11 DNA matches for my Carringer (maternal grandfather's line), and all of the matches are from the 3rd and 4th great-grandparents in his line.  Both of my grandparents were only children,  so I have no first cousins and few second cousins in this line.  There are many more AncestryDNA matches with less than 50 cM shared DNA from the 3rd and 4th great-grandparents.

*  I have 6 DNA matches for my Auble (Maternal grandmother's line), and most them are from the 3rd nd 4th great-grandparents in her line.  There are many more AncestryDNA matches with less than 50 cM shared DNA. 

I'm planning on extending the spreadsheet down to 30 cM to capture more of the AncestryDNA matches in this chart.  I have worked on many of the DNA matches with unidentified common ancestors, but the lack of Ancestry trees, or few grandparents in the trees, is holding me back.  

I also started a Leeds Method chart for FamilyTreeDNA but it is incomplete at this time.  I plan to do a chart for MyHeritageDNA and 23andMe matches also.  


Disclosure: I have a complimentary all-access subscription from, for which I am thankful. has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.

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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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