Monday, January 3, 2022

2021 MyHeritage Year In Review

 I received this from Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage today:


It’s been an incredible year for us here at MyHeritage! We released several new photo features, cementing our position as the prime destination for uploading and sharing family photos. Our groundbreaking Deep Nostalgia™ feature that animates faces in still photos went completely viral, with millions of animations being created in just the first few days after its release. Thanks to Deep Nostalgia™, the MyHeritage mobile app made it to the very top of the App Store, and was the most popular free app in 22 countries! We also added multiple tools for making DNA Matches more useful and easier to work with.

18 years after our founding, MyHeritage was acquired by Francisco Partners, a leading global investment firm. Francisco Partners are perfectly aligned with our mission and together we are working as hard as ever to improve the future of family history.

MyHeritage is committed to adding historical records from around the world to further family history research. In August, we acquired Filae, a leading genealogy service in France. MyHeritage users have already enjoyed access to nearly one billion exclusive French historical records that have been added to MyHeritage as a result of this acquisition.

And those are just a few of the highlights!

We’ve compiled a comprehensive blog post and a nice infographic (above) summarizing our activities and accomplishments during 2021. Please feel free to share the post and the visual with your readers and followers.

And stay tuned, because there are plenty of exciting things on the horizon for 2022!


Disclosure:  I receive a complimentary subscription to MyHeritage, and have received other material consideration in past years.  I uploaded my autosomal DNA raw data to their DNA product.  This does not affect my objective analysis of MyHeritage products.

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Copyright (c) 2022, Randall J. Seaver

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