This week's document for transcription is from the 1822 Worcester County, Massachusetts probate file for the 1814 will of Mary Sever of Worcester, Massachusetts:
a) Worcester County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 52909, image 3 of 5:
b) Worcester County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 52909, image 4 of 5:c) Worcester County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 52909, image 5 of 5:The transcription of this will is:
In the Name of God Amen -
I Mary Sever, under impressions of the uncertainty of human life, & in the
hope of the Chrestian, do constitute the follow-
ing to be my last Will & Testament.
Imprimus, I direct that all my just debts be
paid by my Executrice, hereafter to be
Item. I give and bequeath to my grandson
William Sever Lincoln one Hundred
Item. I give & bequeath to my son William
James Sever, One Hundred Dollars,
Two Beds, one Desk, Three pair of Sheets,
my Silver Spadle, Pepper Box, & Large
Item. All the rest & residue of property
which I no possess, I give to my Daughter
Ann Warren Sever. Should she die un-
married, it is my will in this event, that
the property bequeathed to her, be given
to my son William Sever above mentioned.
Item. The property which I may receive,
on the settlement of the Estate of my
late Brother, Samuel Chandler, by vir-
tue of his will, I desire may be divi-
ded into Three equal Shares, one of which
I hereby give to my Grandson, above
named, William James Lincoln, one to
my Son William James Sever, and
the third to my Daughter, Ann Warren.
Item. I appoint my Daughter Ann Warren
Sever to be the Executrix of this my
last Will and Testatement Hereby re-
revocing all wills by me heretofore made &
Executors appointed. In witness Whereof I here-
unto set my hand & seal this Thirtieth day
of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand
Eight hundred & fourteen.
Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of us.
Mary Thomas Mary Sever { seal}
Lucretia Bancroft
Aaron Bancroft
The source citation for this probate file is:
Worcester County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Case file 52909 (5 images), Mary Sever of Worcester, 1814, will; "Worcester County (Massachusetts) Probate File Papers, 1731-1881," digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors ( accessed 18 September 2022).
Mary "Polly"Chandler (1759-1821) married William Sever (1759-1798) on 30 October 1785 in Worcester. Mary (Chandler) Sever died 15 January 1821 in Worcester. They had four children born between 1786 and 1793:
* Penelope Winslow Sever (1786-1872), married Levi Lincoln (1782-1868) on 6 September 1807 in Worcester.
* Anne Warren Sever (1789-1843), married John Brazer (1786-1846) on 19 April 1821 in Worcester.
* Mary Ann Sever (1789-1797).
* William James Sever (1793-1835), married Adeline Trask (1793-1884) on 19 May 1819 in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
William Sever Lincoln (1811-1889) was the son of Levi and Penelope Winslow (Sever) Lincoln, and married Elizabeth Trumbull (1816-1900) on 22 October 1835 in Worcester.
The will, dated 30 May 1814, is the only document in the Probate estate file in Worcester County Probate Court records, and was filed 2 January 1822.
The only "loose end" I see in the will is that it doesn't mention her oldest daughter, Penelope Winslow (Sever) Lincoln, but does name her son William Sever Lincoln as an heir.
William Sever (1759-1858) is my 3rd cousin 7 times removed. Our common Seaver ancestor is my 9th great-grandfather, Robert Seaver (1608-1683).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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