This week's document for transcription is from the 1848 Worcester County, Massachusetts probate file for the 1848 petition of the widow of Aaron Seaver of Gardner, Worcester, Massachusetts:
Worcester County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 52854, image 5 of 19:
The transcription of this petition is (handwritten sections in italics):To the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county
of Worcester. The petition of Louise Seaver
widow of Aaron Seaver in the county of Worcester
and town of Gardner respectfully represent that
Amasa Whitney is administrator of the goods
and estate of Aaron Seaver late of Gardner in the
County of Worcester deceased intestate that she
was the lawful married wife of the said Aaron
Seaver at the time of his death, that the personal
estate of said deceased will not be sufficient to pay his just
debts and funeral charges, and that the said widow is left
with three children of the ages of fourteen, thirteen and
six years, and that she has had sickness in her fam-
ily since the decease of her husband, and s left
in a destitute condition.
Therefore the said widow prays your Honor
to allow her such a part of the personal estate
of said deceased, as you shall judge fit and reasonable
pursuant to the law in such cases made and provided.
Louisa Seaver
Dated at Gardner this 20th day of Dec. A.D. 1848.
Worcester, ss. At a Court of Probate holden at Worcester on the first Tuesday
of January A.D. 1849.
Upon the foregoing Petition, having made all needful inquiries relative thereto, it appears to
me that the said Louisa Seaver is entitled to a reasonable allow-
ance out of the personal estate of said deceased, as therein prayed for. It is therefore decreed
that the sum of Two Hundred dollars
be allowed to her out of the personal estate of said deceased, in addition to the articles which by
law she is allowed to retain and have; and the same shall not be taken as assets in the hands of the
Admor for the payment of debts or charges of administration.
Tho's Kinnicutt Judge of Probate.
The source citation for this probate file is:
Worcester County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Case file 52854 (19 images), Aaron Seaver of Gardner, 1848, administration; "Worcester County (Massachusetts) Probate File Papers, 1731-1881," digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors ( accessed 25 September 2022).
Aaron Seaver (1800-1848) married Louisa Fairbank (1816-1887) on 9 February 1832 in Gardner, Massachusetts. Aaron Seaver died 24 October 1848 in Gardner. They had four children born between 1832 and 1842:
* Abigail Seaver (1832-1835).
* Fanny Seaver (1834-1890), married 1881 Cyrus Phinney Cole (1835-1886) in Barre, Massachusetts.
* Joseph Seaver (1835-1907), married 1855 Nancy Ray (1837-1910) in Westminster, Massachusetts.
* Lucy Seaver (1842-1907).
The petition and the rest of the estate file do not mention the names of the three living children in 1848. Amasa Whitney was appointed administrator of the real and personal estate of Aaron Seaver. A list of the personal estate that was sold by the administrator. A bond of $2000 was guaranteed on 7 November 1848. An inventory was taken on 17 November 1848, and totaled $975 in real property, $339.36 in personal property, and a $12.90 note. The administrator's account was approved on 2 October 1849. A list of debts and charges totaling $415.31 was filed.
There may be a guardianship record in the Worcester County probate files for the three living children.
Aaron Seaver (1800-1848) is my 1st cousin five times removed. Our common Seaver ancestor is my 5th great-grandfather Norman Seaver (1734-1787).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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