This week's document for transcription is from the 1857 Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Court estate papers for the probate of the intestate estate of Abraham W. Seaver of Townsend, Massachusetts.
* Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 41267, image 26 of 32:
The transcription of this page is:I. Frederick W. Worcester of Townsend
in the county of Middlesex Administra-
tor of the estate of Abraham W. Seaver
late of Townsend in said County Innkeep-
er deceased
do testify and say, that, being authorized by the Probate Court
holden at Cambridge in and for said county of Middlesex,
on the seventeenth day of March AD 1857 to make sale of a part
of the real estate of the said Abraham W. Seaver deceased
for the reasons and purposes in the petition for said license set forth, I did give
public notice of the intended time and place of sale by printing a
notification thereof three weeks successively previous thereto, in the Newspaper,
called the Lowell Weekly Journal Courier printed at Lowell in said
the first publication being on the 20th day of March AD 1857.
and the following is a true copy thereof, viz.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate
By virtue of a license from the Judge of Probate
within & for the County of Middlesex & the Subscriber as Administ-
trator of the estate of Abraham W. Seaver late of Townsend in
said County deceased will sell at Public Vendue Friday
the 17th day of April next at two of the clock in the after-
noon at the Store of Albert Howe in said Townsend so
much of the real estate late of the said Seaver as will
raise the sum of eleven hundred and twenty nine
Dollars and forty four cents. Said Seaver's real estate
consists of about thirty one & a half acres of land sit-
uate in the Westerly part of said Townsend on the Wester-
ly side of the road leading from Albert Howe's Store
to Luther Adams in Townsend, and said real estate
will be sold in three several lots.
The first lot is the Northwesterly part of said real estate
contains about ten acres & thirty rods of Woodland on
which there is a valuable growth of wood & timber.
The second lot contains about seventeen acres & forty four
rods of valuable mowing tillage & Pasture land and is well
The third tract contains three acres & one hundred & forty four
rods of mowing & pasture land upon which is a valuable
ledge of Grinite.
Conditions made known at the time & place of sale.
Townsend March 17 1857 F A Worcester Adm'r
and further I say not,
Frederick A. Worcester Adm'r.
Middlesex ss. In Probate Court, Oct. 13'th A.D. 18 57
Personally appeared the above named F.A. Worcester and made oath
that the foregoing affidavit by him subscribed was true.
Before me, NA Prescott.
Middlesex ss. Probate Office Oct. 13 1857.
Received, filed and recorded.
Attest. NA Prescott Register.
The source citation for this probate record is:
Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Case file 41267 (32 images), Abraham W. Seaver Seaver of Townsend, 1857; "Middlesex County (Massachusetts) Probate File Papers, 1648-1871," digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors ( accessed 23 April 2022).
Abraham W. Seaver (1812-1856) died intestate in Townsend, Middlesex County, Massachusetts on 15 June 1856, leaving his wife Charlotte (Scales) Seaver (1817-1901) and four minor children. The probate estate file 41,267 contains the following (listed chronologically):
* 12 August 1856: Petition for Administrator's Bond for $10,000, letter and Order appointing Frederick A. Worcester as administrator.
* Inventory (taken 9 July 1856) - Real property $1,050 and Personal property $612.54.
* Petition for allowance to widow - $350 allowed.
* 3 March 1857: Petition for administrator license to sell real estate.
* List of debts, widow's allowance and administration charges - $2,004.69
* Petition and oath of administrator to sell real estate - requires $1,129.44.
* 11 August 1857: Petition of administrator, listing debts, widow's allowance and administration charges - of $2,037.06
* Order to administrator to publish a notice to sell real estate
* Administrator posts $10,000 bond
* 13 October 1857: Affidavit of sale of real estate - three lots
* Order approving petition and sale of real estate
* 27 April 1858: Administrator's Account ($2099.69) and Schedule B of debts paid allowed and recorded.
In probate estate file 41,268, the widow Charlotte Seaver petitioned and was granted guardianship of her four minor children on 11 August 1857.
Abraham W. Seaver was my 5th cousin 5 times removed, with our common Seaver ancestor being Robert Seaver (1608-1683) of Roxbury, Massachusetts. In the 1850 U.S. Census in Townsend, Middlesex County, Abram W. Seaver's occupation was mason, and his wife and four children were listed.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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