* Rock County, Wisconsin Probate Court Records, Case 2446, Jesse Seaver estate, image 509 of 1691:
* Rock County, Wisconsin Probate Court Records, Case 2446, Jesse Seaver estate, image 510 of 1691:
The transcription of this document is:
I Jesse Seaver of the town of Milton rock
County Wisconsin being of sound mind
and memory and mindful of the uncertain-
ties of human life do make publish and
declare this my last will and testament
in manner following.
First after the payment of my just
debts and funeral expenses I give
devise and bequeath to my Nephews
Clarindon S. Seaver H Q Seaver W W
Seaver F J Dodge James C. Anderson
and George Anderson Each two
hundred and fifty (250) dollars from
the proceeds of two certain promosory
Notes made by Perkins Newhall
and Perkins payable to Jesse Seaver
or Order providing the proceeds of
said Notes are sufficient to make the
sum of two hundred and fifty each
and if not then what ever there may
so derive shall be divided between
them pro rata share and share alike
and if the sum derived from said
Notes should exceed the two hundred
and fifty dollars each thru the surp-
lus shall go to Priscilla E my wife.
Second. I give devise and bequeath
to my niece Mattie E Seaver the sum
of three hundred dollars to be paid
out of any monies of my estate.
Third All the rest residue and
remainder of all my estate both
personal and real I give devise and
bequeath to my wife Priscilla E Seaver.
Fourth I hereby appoint my wife Priscilla
E Seaver Executrix and E P Clarke
Executor of this my last will and testa-
memnt and hereby authorize and empower
the said Priscilla E Seaver and E P
Clarke to compound compromise and
settle anyt claims or demands which
which may be for or against my
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal the 9'th day of April 1883.
Jesse Seaver {LS}
The above instrument consisting of two sheets was
signed published and declared by the said testator
to be his last will and testament in the presence of us
who have signed our names at his request in his
presence and in the presence of each other.
W.P. Clarke of Milton, Wisconsin
A.W. Crane of Milton, Wisconsin.
The source citation for this will is (using Evidence Explained 4th edition template 10):
Wisconsin, County Court (Rock County), File 2446, Jesse Seaver (1883) estate, Jesse Seaver will written 9 April 1883, proved 9 October 1883; "Wisconsin, U.S., Wills and Probates, 1800-1987," indexed records with digital images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/9088/ : accessed 25 February 2024) > Rock > Probate Records, Files 2440-2462 > images 486-542 of 1691; citing original data is from Wisconsin County, District and Probate Courts filmed by FamilySearch.
This will is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk's handwritten record), Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the last will and testament, wife's name, nephews' and niece's names, of Jesse Seaver.
Jesse Seaver (1825-1883) was born about 1825 in Craftsbury, Orleans County, Vermont, the son of Henry and Dorcas (Flood) Seaver. He died 29 August 1883 in Milton, Rock County, Wisconsin. He married Priscilla Spear (1839-1931) in about 1870, probably in Rock County, Wisconsin. They had no children.
The nephews and nieces of Jesse Seaver mentioned in the will were grandchildren of Henry and Dorcas (Flood) Seaver, who had 13 children.
This probate file contains 56 pages, including an inventory of the estate ($4999.36), debts and expenses paid. After the will was accepted by the Probate Court, it was found that Jesse Seaver had more real estate in Marqutte County. The Executrix petitioned the court to have equal shares of the Marquette County land to the nephews totalling $214.37 to count against their $250 portion. The Court approved that and the estate was closed in May 1886.
I am a 5th cousin 5 times removed to Jesse Seaver (1825-1883), with the common Seaver ancestor being my 9th great-grandfather Robert Seaver (1608-1683).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver
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