This week's famous cousin is Stephen Richards Covey (1932-2012). the noted author, businessman and speaker.
Here is the FamilySearch Family Tree Brief Life History biography:
When Stephen Richards Covey was born on 24 October 1932, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States, his father, Stephen Glenn Covey, was 35 and his mother, Irene Louise Richards, was 30. He married Sandra Renée Merrill on 14 August 1956, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. He died on 16 July 2012, in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States, at the age of 79, and was buried in Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park, Millcreek, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.His Wikipedia entry is here.
The FamilySearch Family Tree indicates that I am his 6th cousin one time removed. Here is the closest relationship path from Relative Finder:
My most recent common ancestors with cousin Stephen Richards Covey are my 6th great-grandparents Joseph Richards (1703-1748) and Mary Bowden (1705-1755).
Are you related to Stephen Richards Covey? Check it out on FamilySearch Family Tree by clicking the "View Relationship" link at the top of the page. Note that you have to be a profile connected to the FamilySearch Family Tree in order for this to work.
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