Sunday, May 26, 2024

Chula Vista Genealogical Society Meeting on Wednesday, 29 May Features Tammy Hepps

 Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 12 noon PDT 

CVGS General Meeting (in a Zoom Video Conference) 

When Henry Silverstein Got Cold:  How Terrible Enumerators Help Us Do Better Census Research" 

by Tammy Hepps

On January 2, 1920, Henry Silverstein began his first day as a census enumerator by turning left instead of right. Things went downhill from there, and within days he became so overwhelmed that he resorted to an illegal scheme to finish the job.  Through this shocking story and the painstaking detective work that uncovered it, you'll come to see the census—and your ancestors' presence or absence in it—in a whole new light.  You'll laugh at Henry's misdeeds, and you'll grow your census research skills.  (Based on the viral hit, When Henry Silverstein Got Cold: Fraud in the 1920 Census.)

Tammy Hepps is a genealogist and local historian who focuses on topics within American Jewish history, especially small towns and synagogues. Her projects combine research techniques from genealogy and history and draw heavily upon her technology expertise to break new ground in data gathering and interpretation. She is best known for her community reconstitution project focusing on the Jewish community of Homestead, PA, available online at Tammy earned her AB in computer science from Harvard.

PLEASE REGISTER for this event through the event email that will be sent to all CVGS members or on the CVGS website ( 


This program will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing platform for Meetings.

Please note that the meeting starts at 12 noon Pacific Time (3 p.m. Eastern time, 2 p.m. Central time, 1 p.m. Mountain time). The Zoom Meeting room will be open by 11:45 a.m. Pacific Time for visiting and helping attendees connect.

Members and non-members can register on the CVGS website for this meeting at  and look for the email with the Zoom meeting reminder after registration, or on Tuesday, 28 May, with the link to JOIN the Zoom meeting. Contact if you have problems or register too late for the email.  

Attendance is free but only 100 Zoom seats are available, so please register soon.

NOTE: The Chula Vista Genealogical Society offers an annual membership of $30. Besides the monthly General Meeting with a program speaker on the last Wednesday of each month, there is a monthly Research Group meeting on second Wednesdays on Zoom, an in-person Education meeting on third Tuesdays, and a DNA Interest Group meeting on third Wednesdays on Zoom, all at 12 noon Pacific time.  There is also a monthly 10 page email newsletter chock full of program announcements, research tips, research articles, and program reviews.


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