Monday, July 15, 2024

MyHeritage Adds Relationship Diagram for Large Family Trees

 MyHeritage announced today that New: Relationship Diagram Now Supports Very Large Family Trees.  Heretofore, this feature was available for only family trees with less than 10,000 profiles.  My tree on MyHeritage has over 70,000 profiles (all of those ancestral families, and descendants of my 4th great-grands, you know). 

So I tried it out.  I started in my family tree fan chart, and added a name to the Search field in the upper right - I typed in Joseph Whittle:

There were several, so I chose Joseph Laurens Whittle (1905-1934).  I clicked on him and his family tree fan chart appeared along with his "card" on the far left:

To get the Relationship Chart, I clicked on the underlined "Relative" link just below his name in the upper left-hand corner of the card:

And there it is - Joseph Lauren Whittle (1905-1934) is my Wife's 2nd cousin once removed.

I clicked on the pencil icon to the right of his name and could download the full chart as a PDF:

I captured the screen so I  could show it here.

It works well.  It takes some time to do the chart depending on how many generations it has to show.

It finds relatives of my wife (with Norwegian, Irish and German ancestry) and my grandchildren (the ones with Italian and Danish ancestry) too, as long as they are in my MyHeritage family tree.

I wondered if it could do more than 20 generations, and it can.  I did a chart for Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204) and it said I was her 25th generation descendant, so I am her 23rd great-grandson.  It was over 5 pages because of the high number of generations.  


Disclosure: I receive a complimentary subscription to MyHeritage, and have received other material consideration in past years. I uploaded my autosomal DNA raw data to their DNA product. This does not affect my objective analysis of MyHeritage products. I am a paid subscriber to Family Tree Webinars and love it.

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Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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