Friday, July 19, 2024

52 Relatives: Great-Grandaunt Mary Ann "Matie" Smith (1866-1922) of Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, San Diego and Oregon

 Mary Ann Smith was born 7 May 1866 in Rolling Prairie, Dodge County, Wisconsin, the third child and second daughter of Devier James Lanphier and Abigial A. "Abbey" (Vaux) Smith. The birth was recorded in the Devier J. and Abbey A. (Vaux) Bible[1] and in Abbey A. Smith's list of births and deaths.[2]  She was called "Matie" by her friends and family.

The family moved to Benton, Taylor County, Iowa in about 1867, and then to Cloud County, Kansas in about 1875, and finally to McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska in 1885.

In the 1870 United States census, the Devier Smith family resided in Benton township, Taylor County, Iowa.[3]  The family included:

  • Devier Smith -- age 30, male, white, a farmer, $10,000 in real property, $800 in personal property, born New York
  • Abbie Smith -- age 26, female, white, keeping house, born NY
  • Della Smith -- age 8, female, white, at home, born WI, attended school
  • David Smith -- age 6, male, white, at home, born WI, attended school
  • Mary Smith -- age 4, female, white, at home, born WI

In the 1875 Kansas State census, the D.J. Smith family resided in Lincoln township, Cloud County, Kansas.[4] The household included:

  • D.J. Smith - age 35, male, white, livery and sale stable, $750 in real property, $1155 in personal property, born NY, moved from MO
  • Abbie A. Smith - age 30, female, white, milliner, $340 in personal property, born NY, moved from MO
  • D. A. Smith - age 13, female, white, born WI, moved from MO
  • D.D. Smith - age 11, male, white, born WI, moved from MO
  • M. A. Smith - age 8, female, white, born MO, moved from WI

In the 1880 United States census, the D.J. Smith family was listed in Shannon township, Pottawatomie County, Kansas.[5]  The household included:

  • D.J. Smith -- white, male, age 41, married, no occupation, born NY, father and mother born NY
  • Abba A. Smith -- white, female, age 37, wife, married, keeping house, born NY, father born England, mother born NY
  • David D. Smith -- white, male, age 16, son, single, born WI, father and mother born NY
  • Mami Smith -- white, female, age 14, daughter, single, born WI, father and mother born NY
  • E. Kearnes -- white, male, age 21, single, born IA
  • Jos. P. Vaux -- white, male, age 35, brother-in-law, single, born NY, father born England, mother born NY

Also in the 1880 United States Census, Abagail A. Smith headed a family listed in Blue Rapids township, Marshall County, Kansas.[6] The household included:

  • Abagail A. Smith -- white, female, age 36, married, keeps house, born NY, father born England, mother born NY
  • Della Smith -- white, female, age 18, daughter, single, at home, born WI, father and mother born NY
  • Mary A. Smith -- white, female, age 14, daughter, single, born WI, father and mother born NY
  • Samuel Vaux -- white, male, age 65, father-in-law, married, without occupation, born England, father and mother born England
  • Mary A. Vaux -- white, female, age 65, mother, married, without occupation, born NY father born VT, mother born NH
  • Orpha Woodward -- white, female, age 17, niece, single, at home, born WI, father born VT, mother born NY.

In the 1885 Kansas State census, the D.J. Smith family resided in Clyde township, Cloud County, Kansas).[7]  The household included:

  • D.J. Smith - age 46, male, white, married, a speculator, born Ohio, moved from WI
  • Abby A. Smith - age 41, female, white, married, born NY, moved from WI
  • Della Smith - age 23, female, white, a music teacher, born WI, moved from WI
  • D.D. Smith - age 21, male, white, a livery keeper, born WI, moved from WI
  • Matie Smith - age 18, female, white, a music teacher, born WI, moved from WI

Also in the 1885 Nebraska State Census, the D.J. Smith family resided in McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska.[8]  The household included:

  • D.J. Smith - white, male, age 45, wife, a foreman (?), born New York, father born N.Y., mother born N.Y.
  • Abbie Smith - white, female, age 41, daughter, at home, born New York, father born Eng.
  • Della Smith - white, female, age 23, born Wisconsin, father born N.Y.
  • Matie Smith - white, female, age 19, born Wisconsin, father born N.Y.

Matie Smith married first to George Miles Chenery (1854-1897) on 10 December 1889 in McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska.[9-11]  The family Bible pages say:

"Matie Smith Daughter of D.J. & A.A. Smith 1889"

The Red Willow County, Nebraska marriage records says:

"#539.  Mattie A. Smith (age 23), and George M. Chenery (age 35), married 10 December 1889."

After her father died in May 1894, George and Matie (Smith) Chenery went to San Diego, California where her mother, brother and sister were residing. 

The Abigail (Vaux) Smith list of family births, marriages and deaths says:[12]

"Matie Smith and George Chenery, Married Dec 20, 1889 McCook Neb, Divorced April 1895 at San Diego, Calif.'  

George Miles Chenery was born July 1854 in Wangford, Surrey, England, and died 24 August 1897 in McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska. George and Mary Ann (Smith) Chenery had no children.

She was not found in the 1900 United States census.

Matie Ann "Matie" (Smith) Chenery married second to Joseph Cyrus Cramer (1844-1920) on 12 June 1904 in Los Angeles County, California.  Joseph was born 14 February 1844 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and died 15 March 1920 in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon in the Oregon State Soldiers Home. He was a Civil War soldier, and was a miner as a young man.  They had no children.  They moved to Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon after their marriage.

In the 1910 United States census, J.C. Cramer (age 66, male, born in Pennsylvania, married for 6 years, occupation is creamery and cutter) and M. Cramer (female, age 45, born in Kansas, house work) were boarders residing on N. 15th street in Ward 2 of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. 

Joseph and Matie (Smith) (Chenery) Cramer may have divorced after 1910, but they married again on 6 November 1919 in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon.  

In the 1920 United States census, Joseph C. Cramer was enumerated in the Oregon State Soldiers Home in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon.  Mary Ann "Matie" Cramer was not found in the 1920 census in Oregon or California.

Matie (Smith) (Chenery) Cramer's third marriage was announced in the San Diego Union newspaper, in the "Chula Vista Notes" column.[13]  The announcement says:

"John Frank Morrill of this city and Mrs. Mattie Smith Cramer of San Diego were married Saturday in San Diego and are now making their home on F Street.  Mr. Morrill has resided in this city for the last 20 years and has been city clerk for several years.  The bride has many friends here, having been a frequent guest of Chula Vistans."

John Frank Morrill (1852-1928) was born 23 January 1852 in Ohio, and died 27 November 1928 in Los Angeles County, California.  Frank and Matie had no children together.

Mary Ann (Matie) (Smith) (Chenery) (Cramer) Morrill died July 14, 1922 in San Bernardino County, California.[14-15]  A death notice for Matie Morrill was published in the San Diego Union newspaper in the "Chula Vista Notes" column.  The notice said:

"Funeral services were held Sunday for Mrs. Matie Smith Morrill, wife of J.F. Morrill of F. Street.  Rev. John Willis Ring officiated."


1. unknown, Devier J. Smith, 1889-1920, Devier J. Smith Family Bible [loose pages of Birth, Marriages, Death and Note Pages] (no publication information), Births: Mary Ann Smith entry, 7 May 1866.

2. Smith/Carringer Family Correspondence (Loose Letters, 1888–1902), Abigail (Vaux) Smith list of family births and deaths, Mary Ann (Matie) Smith birth entry, 7 May 1866, originals privately held by Randall J. Seaver, 1154 Via Trieste, Chula Vista CA 91911, 1988 (great grandson). 

3. 1870 United States Federal Census, Taylor County, Iowa,  Benton township: Page 13, dwelling #207, family #207,  D.J. Smith household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Series M593, Roll 421.

4. "1875 Kansas State Census Census, Population Schedule," Lincoln township, Cloud County, Kansas, page 12, dwelling #107, family #107, D.J. Smith household; digital image, (, citing original data at Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kans., on Kansas State Microfilm reel K-4.

5. 1880 United States Federal Census, Pottawatomie County, Kansas, Shannon township:  Page 243D, dwelling #125, family #125, D.J. Smith household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9, Roll 393.

6. 1880 United States Federal Census, Marshall County, Kansas, Blue Rapids township: Page 205C, dwelling #57, family #65,  Abagail A. Smith household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9, Roll 388.

7. "Nebraska State Census Collection, 1860-1885", 1885 enumeration, Red Willow County, McCook Township; ED 654, Page 3B, Dwelling #35, Family #35, D.J. Smith household; digital images, (; citing original data from "Schedules of the Nebraska State Census of 1885," National Archives Microfilm Publication M352, 56 rolls .

8. "1885 Census, Kansas State Census Schedule," Online database, (, Clyde township, Clay County, Kansas, page 35, line 10; citing Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kan., Microfilm K-23.

19. "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995," indexed database, FamilySearch    (, George M. Chenery and Mattie A. Smith marriage entry, 10 December 1889.

10. Red Willow County Nebraska Marriage Records, 1873-1898, The First Twenty-Five Years, Volumes 1-3  (McCook, Neb.: Southwest Nebraska Genealogical Society, 2001), Volume 2, page 397, Mattie A. Smith and George M. Chenery marriage entry, 10 December 1889.

11. Smith/Carringer Family Correspondence, Abigail (Vaux) Smith list of family births and deaths, Matie Smith and George Chenery marriage entry, 20 December 1889.

12. Smith/Carringer Family Correspondence, Abigail (Vaux) Smith list of family births and deaths, Matie Smith and George Chenery divorce entry, April 1895.

13. San Diego [Calif.] Union newspaper, digital image, GenealogyBank  ( , 28 June 1921 edition, page 8, "Chula Vista Notes," Mattie Smith Cramer and John Frank Morrill marriage, 25 June 1921.

14. "California Death Index, 1905-1939." online database, FamilySearch (, Matie S. Morrill entry, 14 July 1922.

15. unknown, Devier J. Smith, 1889-1920, Devier J. Smith Family Bible [loose pages of Birth, Marriages, Death and Note Pages], Deaths, Mary Ann (Matie) (Smith) Morrill entry, 14 July 1922.

16. San Diego [Calif.] Union newspaper, digital image, GenealogyBank (, 24 July 1922 edition, page 16, "Chula Vista Notes" column, Matie Morrill death notice.


Mary Ann "Matie" Smith (1866-1922) was my great-grandaunt, the sister of my great-grandmother, Abbie Ardell "Della" (Smith) Carringer (1862-1944). 

I have posted over 500 genealogical sketches of  my ancestors back through the 7th great-grandparents and a number of close relatives - see the list in 52 Ancestors/Relatives Biographies.  

This "52 Relatives" theme is a weekly series to document the lives of siblings of my ancestors with relatively short genealogical sketches, including important events, and with source citations.  These relatives lived and died within a family structure, and deserve a genealogical sketch - they were integral parts and important persons in the lives of my ancestral families.  I will post the sketches on my Ancestry Member Tree, WikiTree, and in the FamilySearch Family Tree. 


Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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