Monday, May 1, 2006

Genealogy Research Guide web site

One of the problems with genealogy research on the Internet is that new web sites or databases are constantly added, especially for Vital Records. Some societies have volunteers transcribing records, some states have birth, marriage or death indexes, etc. How do we keep all of this straight, and find out what is available?

One of the best sites I have found is Genealogy Research Guides organized by Joe Beine. The site has sections for:

* birth, marriage and death records,
* cemeteries and obituaries,
* census records,
* historical newspapers,
* naturalization records,
* passenger list records,
* military records,
* finding people and places
* online genealogy guides

The site is comprehensive, really useful and is up to date. Joe Beine also has a Genealogy Roots blog which provides links to new additions to the web site.

Do you know of other excellent web sites? Tell me!

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