Sunday, October 1, 2006

Participate in Genealogy Forum Chats

Just a reminder that the Genealogy Forum ( chat board is having guest speakers during October - Family History Month.

I am scheduled to talk about Genea-Blogging on Monday night, at 9 PM EDT (6 PM PDT) in the Sitting Room. Come and keep me company. They have assigned three guides to keep me on track and manage the conversation.

If you want to visit, you will need to sign up to be able to chat, or even "watch" the chat. I say "watch" because this is chatting by typing in a box and hitting Send, so there is no audio.

I have prepared some material that I can copy and paste into the chat box as time goes on. There will be questions and answers after I run out of material. It will mostly be about my own experience as a genea-blogger.

Apparently, genealogy blogs are almost unknown to many in the online genealogy world, except for those of us who do it for the love of it, since it certainly isn't for the money! I do hope that it will send some people through my site, and through my links to the sites of other bloggers.

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