I expect blogging on Genea-Musings will be light on Sunday and perhaps Monday also.
My tech guru is coming on Sunday to see if he can wake up my desktop machine. Failing that, a new hard drive may be in the offing. Hopefully, the lost data can at least be recovered.
We have a family dinner scheduled for Sunday afternoon - my brother is in town with his family so I won't have much genea-blogging time on Sunday, assuming I can access the home wireless network (it has been flaky - many dropouts). Aren't computers wonderful, indispensable, and frustrating?
The home remodel is almost done - the painting is done, the kitchen cabinets and countertops are installed. We have the laminated wood floors installed this next week. We've been packing stuff up (from the china hutch, the angel hutch, etc) and hiding it in the garage, all the while unpacking the kitchen stuff and hiding it in the new kitchen cabinets.
I hung a lot of the family pictures on the walls today (in order to get them out of the boxes and off the floor). We decided to make the dining room the "San Diego room," the family room the "San Francisco room," and the living room the "Betty Seaver room" - featuring my mother's copper enamel work. That leaves the entry way and the hallway to the bedrooms to display the large family picture collection. We're going to have recent family photos in the entry way, and the old family photos in the hallway. I filled up the available hallway walls, but still have about half of the picture collection unhung. This happened because we had most of these pictures in the family room before, and there was more wall space. I made several photo sheets of the family pictures in 3 x 5 and 4 x 6 sizes today so we could put them in the large collage frames - perhaps we will use those instead of the large family pictures (some are 24 by 36 or so).
I went to the Family History Center today and saved about 20 pages of South Kingston RI probate records to my flash drive. The records were for Joseph Oatley who died in 1815 and Joseph Champlin who died in 1850. I ordered two more films - one for Westerly RI probate records and the other for Portsmouth RI probate records. When I got home, I loaded the images onto the laptop and printed the pages out. I found that I lost about 20 images of probate records in the computer crash, but I had already printed them before the crash. My next task is to transcribe all of these records into the ancestral database. See - I even did some real genealogy work today.
Our CVGS meeting is on Monday, and I usually don't get home until after 2 PM because I take the speaker to lunch. Therefore, I anticipate blogging on Monday afternoon, but probably not before that.
If you have to scratch your genealogy itch, go watch some of Roots Television. I love it.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
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