Friday, March 9, 2007

Sign up for a free trip to Ireland has offered a free trip to Ireland for one subscriber (three other people, seven days, six nights) to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The link to the entry form is at

If you have an Ancestry subscription (either paid or free, having submitted a family tree at some time in the past) then you can easily enter the contest. If you are not a subscriber, and have not submitted a tree, you will probably have to submit a tree. I did that some time ago - put in one name and now I have a tree on Ancestry!

My sense is that this is just the latest method that Ancestry has come up with to find more potential subscribers. You gotta do what you gotta do in the world of competitive genealogy commerce - I appreciate Ancestry's offer. Competition from other commercial sites (WorldVitalRecords, footnote, GenealogyBank, etc) is a wonderful thing!

I hesitated posting about this, because the more entries they get, the lower are my chances of winning. But I thought that awareness of the contest outweighed my own personal interests. If my post leads the eventual winner to join the contest, I would really appreciate tagging along on the trip! If I win the contest, who are my new best friends?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

XgITV3 The best blog you have!