While searching for my elusive Cornelia Bresee/variants in New York records, I ran across Lorine Schulze's Olive Tree Genealogy web pages and found that she has a tremendous list of church records at http://olivetreegenealogy.com/nn/church/.
The baptism records for 1703-1789 of Zion Lutheran Church at Athens (formerly Loonenburgh) in Greene County (across the Hudson from Columbia County) are available (link too long to post well). I tried all of my surname combinations (truncated to 2 or 3 letters) and found 14 "Brasy" and 1 "Bresy" entries - all were familiar names from the work already done in the books and WorldConnect. These are transcriptions of the original records - about the best we can do online without getting a microfilm from the FHC.
For Albany County, the Records of the Dutch Reformed Church Records of Albany for 1683 to 1809 are available at http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/albany/refchurch.html. This is a massive set of data, broken down by years. These were published by the Holland Society in the 1905 time period.
Unfortunately, Rensselaer County and Columbia County did not have useful church records on this list.
These are wonderful resources - my thanks to Lorine for the links! Lorine has many other links - i'm going to look at them next.
I'm having fun puttering around - my problem is that I go off on a tangent when I find things and sometimes can't find my way back to the research plan. Does anybody else have that problem [BG]
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