One of the real gems I read in the latest Family Tree Magazine was a list of the "Top 10 Genealogy Web Sites You'll Never See." This was a sidebar in the listing of the 101 "Top of the Worldwide Web" article.
The editors claimed that it was a product of "a few too many vending machine coffees and way too much procrastinating on the more important aspects of editing a family history magazine..." My guess is that they just have very fertile minds and way too much time on their hands.
Here are my three favorites from their list of 10:
* Mindy's List: A Directory of Genealogy Sites That Don't Link to
* A Photo-Sharing Site
You get the idea - create a web site name that is funny, not likely to be created and genealogy related. Since I don't drink coffee or edit anything (obviously!), I can think of a few sites.
* -- dissident society members complain - they don't know what's good for them.
* UniversalGenWeb: Mars -- where's Art Bell when we need him?
* -- pinup pictures of genealogy authors, bloggers and researchers.
* -- 47 generations, completely filled out - back to Kermit! I'm jealous!
* - Getting family information is sometimes difficult!
* TheLastGenerationOf - not until everyone is finished!
* - I've owned this for 5 months and have not done a thing with it. At least I have a blog named The Geneaholic. Arggh.
* Lolo's Grandpa's Time-Wasting Blog -- hmmm, how did this get on the list?
* Felicia submitted a bunch of them:
** DescendentsoftheSpaceShipMayflower.Com
** - or How old is my grapefruit anyway?
* Bill West added -- if your birthmark looks like mine,we may be related!!!
* Jimmy suggested -- Want to know what your ancestors look like today? For only $5.00, we will dig 'em up and send you a high quality digital photograph. All exhumations performed with utmost dignity & decorum. Remember our guarantee - we put 'em back the way we find 'em. He promises a T-shirt soon!
* John came up with -- You too can be Related to Greatness. For $10 we will connect your family to the famous person of your choice on OneWorldTree. With the following exceptions: Elvis Presley: $15; Amelia Earhart: $20; Queen Elizabeth: $25. For special combinations, inquire for prices. Nothing is impossible: Lucille Ball can be your mother, and Desi Arnaz can be your son at the same time!
* My son-in-law James suggested - a social networking site for dead ancestors - they can exchange stories and laughs while you try to find their resting places.
* Miriam wondered about - "Honey" can be male or female, you know - even sweet. Whatever lights your inner bear (ask Winnie the Pooh)!
Thanks, everybody, for participating. Frankly, I think that there is a good possdibility that we WILL see web sites with these names.
I know that my readers can be really creative, and so I invite you to make up some web site names and put them in the Comments below and I'll promote them into this post. Or create your own blog post with the story behind your web site we will never see. Come on - let's have some fun - give it your best shot. What else is there to do on a lazy summer weekend?
Keep them coming!
UPDATED last on 7/15 10:30 PM.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
DescendentsoftheSpaceShipMayflower.Com or How old is my grapefruit anyway?
Boy Randy this is fun should not have suggested this, I will be here all just pick the one you like best to promote on the Blog...don't need ALL of them on there.
Thanks for letting me get my creative juices flowing.
if your birthmark looks like mine,
we may be related!!!
Want to know what your ancestors look like today? For only $5.00*, we will dig 'em up and send you a high quality digital photograph. All exhumations performed with utmost dignity & decorum. Remember our guarantee - we put 'em back the way we find 'em.
* excluding sales tax.
T-shirt available next week at JMK Genealogy Gifts!
You too can be Related to Greatness. For $10 we will connect your family to the famous person of your choice on OneWorldTree. With the following exceptions:
Elvis Presley: $15
Amelia Earhart: $20
Queen Elizabeth: $25
For special combinations, inquire for prices. Nothing is impossible:
Lucille Ball can be your mother, and Desi Arnaz can be your son at the same time!
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