Thursday, September 20, 2007

Noted genea-blogger committed

Janice Brown at Cow Hampshire challenged genea-bloggers to resuscitate their humor gene and post either a JibJab video, a newspaper clipping, or some other "fun generator" tidbit.

Here is my contribution to the fun archives:

Obviously, I have a fear that this might be a true story at some time in the future.

Janice is keeping a list of those geneaholics, er, fun genea-bloggers, who have participated. Some of the videos are hilarious.

What other "fun generators" are there? Tell me!


Janice said...

I'm just prayer you never go into "recovery," Randy :D

I think the Tombstone Generator is clever.


Anonymous said...

Try some of the poem generators. A few are funny --- here is one generated just for you:

Mendel's Serenade
Geneaholics are an insular clique
as if it were only a mote in the eye of time
We'll contemplate a barbecque
like a Rubix Cube about to be twisted for the first time

Generated at

Anonymous said...

Try some of the poem generators. A few are funny --- here is one generated just for you:

Mendel's Serenade
Geneaholics are an insular clique
as if it were only a mote in the eye of time
We'll contemplate a barbecque
like a Rubix Cube about to be twisted for the first time

Generated at