Here is one of the most precious (to me) images from my Smith/Carringer family collection:

This Cabinet Card is of Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946) and Abbie Ardell (Della) (Smith) Carringer (1862-1944). It was taken at the Chicago Studio in San Diego )located at the Corner of 7th and H Streets in downtown San Diego - H Street is now Market Street), California in between September 1887 (when they were married in Kansas and arrived in San Diego ) to early 1889 (Della had their first baby in May 1889). My first impression was that this was a wedding picture since they are in very formal clothes. It may well be their formal wedding picture - there may not have been a photographer in Wano, Kansas in 1887.
The clothes are, however, different from those in the pictures put into their marriage certificate - seen here. I think that Austin's hair looks sparser and lighter in the certificate picture, and they both look older in the certificate picture.
This photograph was handed down from Austin and Della (Smith) Carringer to their son Lyle Lawrence Carringer, to their daughter Betty Virginia (Carringer) Seaver (who married Fred Seaver) to me, their son.
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