Thursday, August 21, 2008

Need more genealogy blogs to read?

I hate to admit that my Bloglines list is now up to over 300 genealogy blogs... there are more and more of them every day! Maybe I should prune my Bloglines list. I've noticed that my morning list is up in the 50s and 60s these days.

Do you want more genealogy blogs to read? The Family History Bulletin (Volume 2, number 47, which I haven't received via email yet) has a Top Ten Genealogy blog list - you can read the bulletin here. I am honored by being on their list.

But you probably read all of those blogs, plus many more. Many more genealogy blogs have started in the last month or two, and I thought my readers might want to check them out (please, don't forsake Genea-Musings for greener pastures, though!). Here are some of the new ones I've found:

* - no author identified. This is mainly genealogy articles.

* The Educated Genealogist -- Sheri Fenley of Stockton CA discusses her genealogy education and research.

* Elyse's Genealogy Blog -- Elyse Doerflinger of California writes about her research, and has a video blog series on YouTube.

* The Family Curator -- Denise L. of California writes about the Arline Allen Kinsel papers and much more.

* Genealogy, Middle Age and Life -- Debbie Atchley of Tennessee blogs about genealogy and her research.

* Genealogy's Gone By Weblog -- by Genealogysgoneby about his/her 5th great-grandfather's genealogy.

* Granite in My Blood -- by Midge Frazel of Bridgewater, Massachusetts about gravestones and genealogy.

* Gtownma's Genealogy -- by Tina Sansone of Tennessee writing about her research and genealogy.

* I Dream of Genea(ology) -- by Amir Dekel on his genealogy research and family.

* I Find Dead People -- by Andrea Batcho of New Jersey, who writes about her research.

* IN DEEDS -- by Palmsrv about land records and genealogy data found in them.

* Life At The Home20 -- by Laura Womack sharing her Southern genealogy.

* Pennsylvania Wanderings -- Bonnie Jean MacDonald of Shoreline, Washington is sharing her vacation trip.

* Remember Your Roots - by Michelle in Maine, writing about her family and their stories.

* Tracking Thomas, and more -- by Carol of Georgia who writes about her Georgia and Alabama ancestors.

* Twig Talk -- by Sheri Bush of Indiana, who writes about the problems, discoveries, joys and people on her genealogical journey.

* We Tree -- by Amy Coffin in Texas, who thinks she and me and you may be related.

I know that I've listed several that have been around for months, and I know that I've missed many relatively new genealogy blogs. Many of the blogs listed above came to my attention through the Genea-bloggers Group on Facebook.

One observation I have is that the genealogy bloggers group are getting younger, and the blog names are getting very creative. Cool.

If you have added a genealogy blog recently, I would love to hear about it in comments. I will add you to my Bloglines.

What about my Blogroll on the right side of my blog? It is very out of date. It's a pain to update (I'm still on old Blogger - I'm too chicken to update it).


Kathryn Doyle said...

C'mon Randy, it's time to bite the bullet. Schelly already told you that the process is pretty easy. With all the problems others have been having lately, I think we need to take Elizabeth's advice and create a back-up of our blogs. Certainly the first step for you is to update. You've got lots of knowledgeable genea-blogger buddies to support you!

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

Thanks for the mention, Randy. I really appreciate it. My blog is a baby by Internet terms, so it really helps get the word out.

Also, thanks for showcasing other blogs for me to read and add to my ever-growing Google Reader.

Jean-Yves said...

Dear Randy, it seems that you don't enjoy GeneaSofts :-(

Laura said...

Thanks for mentioning me Randy. Now when are you going to share with us young'uns how you got to be in the Top 10?


Sheri Fenley said...

Why thank you Randy! You know what? I have found that when you know people are reading your words, it makes it easier to write them. I wouldn't even have a blog if it weren't for you. You are the king of genea-blogs. Shall I refer to you as "Your Blogship"!


Xfaith said...


Just wanted to pass my blog out to you also, its kind of new, actually showed up on last week. Its called Family History Tracing. Mostly revolves around SURNAMES: DECKER, JACKSON, TOOMEY, GERRITY, KONDRC, MACZEK. And information, tips what have you.

Elyse said...

Hey there Randy,
Thank you for posting my blog on here. I am trying to get the word out and improve my blogging skills as best as I can. I am hoping that I will be blogging all through college and even after graduation (Although, by then, there will probably be a new trend).
Thanks again,