Continuing on with the Keeping up with the Taggers without the descendant numbers for now - here are more genea-bloggers who have posted their Top 5 items in the categories previously defined.
Colleen on Orations of OMcHodoy tagged:
1. Cat at "Diggin' Up Dirt"
2. Dru at "Find Your Folks"
3. Julie at "GenBlog"
4. Cindy at "In My Life"
5. Let's see if I can offer Donna a distraction as she's this close to getting her baby, and get her to do this tag "Waiting For Lauren Elizabeth"
Kathy Brady-Blake on Kathy's Genealogy blog tagged:
1. Myrt at Dear Myrtle
2. Donna at Donna’s Genealogy Blog
3. Paula at Paula’s Genealogical Eclectica
4. Julie at GenBlog
5. Robert at The Baca/Douglas Genealogy and Family History Blog
Pat Richley on DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog tagged:
1. Elizabeth at Crowe’s Nest
2. Tom Kemp at GenealogyBank
3. Mark at Think Genealogy
4. Diane Haddad at Genealogy Insider
5. Rene at Renee’s Genealogy Blog
Donna Moughty on Donna's Genealogy Blog tagged:
1. The Genealogy Guys (does a podcast count?)
2. Mike at the Ballycastle Blog
5. ThinkGenealogy
Elizabeth Powell Crowe on Crowe's Nest tagged:
1. Cheryl Rothwell of Illinois Genealogy
2. Sandusky Library blog
3. RootsReading
4. Andrea Batcho
5. The Bones Collector blog
Diane Haddad on the Genealogy Insider tagged:
1. Maureen A. Taylor at our Photo Detective Blog
2. Bruce Buzbee at the RootsMagic Blog
3. The editors of our sister publication Memory Makers magazine at their blog.
4. Lisa Louise Cooke at Genealogy Gems
5. Schelly Talalay Dardashti at Tracing the Tribe
Lisa Louise Cooke on the Genealogy Gems News tagged:
1. AnceStories by Miriam Robbins Midkiff
2. Genealogy Traces by Judith G. Shubert
3. MacGenealogist by Ben Sayer
4. The Practical Archivist by Sally Jacobs
5. Genea-musings by Randy Seaver
Bruce Buzbee on the RootsMagic Blog tagged:
1. Janet Hovorka at The Chart Chick
2. Kimberly Powell at (I pick on her every time)
3. Dick Eastman at Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter
4. Holly Hansen at the Family History Expos Blog
5. Lisa Louise Cooke over at the Genealogy Gems Podcast
Paula Stuart Warren on Paula's Genealogical Eclectica tagged:
1. David at David Lambert Blog
2. Alvie at Alvie's Genealogy Spot
3. Steve Danko at Steve's Genealogy Blog
4. Drew and George at Genealogy Guys Podcast
5. Miriam at AnceStories
Julie at GenBlog wrote about her items and then tagged everybody who hasn't been tagged yet.
Schelly Talalay Dardashti on Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog tagged:
1. Renee Zamora, Renee's Genealogy Blog
2. Craig Manson, Geneablogie
3. Kathryn M. Doyle, CA Gen Society Blog
4. Terry Thornton, Hill Country of Monroe County
5. Steve Danko, Steve's Genealogy Blog
Hugh Watkins on the Genealoge tagged:
1. RootsWeb Newsroom five authors
2. Blog
3. DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog
4. WorldVitalRecords Blog "Whitney Ransom"
5. Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter: Google Your Family Tree: "Dick Eastman - last but definitely NOT least :-)"
Denise L at The Family Curator tagged:
1. Linda Steinstra at From Axer to Ziegler
2. Lori Thornton, The Family Historian
3. Miriam Midkiff, at AnceStories
4. M. Diane Rogers, at CanadaGenealogy
5. Lisa at Small-Leaved Shamrock
William (Orange and Blue) at The Sock in the Dryer tagged:
1. Alice at The Simmons Family.
2. Michelle at Ok . . . So . . .
3. Tipper at Blind Pig & The Acorn.
4. Miriam at AnceStories.
5. Elizabeth at Little Bytes of Life.
Randy Seaver at The Geneaholic tagged (he cheated and named 10):
1. The Ancestry Insider
2. Sharon at Back-Track
3. Terry at The Desktop Genealogist
4. David at Family History Tracing
5. Russ at Family Tree Maker User.
6. Holly at Genealogy Musings.
7. Deb at Genealogy, Middle Age and Life
8. Tina at Gtownma's Genealogy
9. Carolyn at Life in Possum Holler
10. Laura at Life at the Home20
Miriam Midkiff on Ancestories: Stories of My Ancestors tagged: anybody who wishes to be tagged and hasn't been.
Amy Joihnson Crow at Amy's Genealogy, Etc. Blog tagged:
1. George Geder
2. Ruth at Bluebonnet Country Genealogy
3. Linda at From Axer to Ziegler
4. Diane at Canada Genealogy, or, Jane’s Your Aunt (I love the name of her blog!)
5. Sasha at Memory Lane
Janet Iles at Janet the Researcher tagged:
1. Amy at Amy's Genealogy, etc. Blog
2. Brett at Photo-Sleuth
3. Amir at I dream of genealogy
4. Lori at Smoky Mountain Historian
5. Paula at Paula Goff Christy's Blog
Holly Hansen at Family History Expos Genealogy Blog tagged:
1. Annaleise Taylor Dearinger at between the signs
2. Elizabeth Powell Crowe at Crowe’s Nest Genealogy Blog
3. Cyndi Howells at Cyndi’s List Blog
4. Thomas Jay Kemp, Editor of the Official Blog of GenealogyBank
5. Bernie Gracy at Historical Town Maps Blog
Lori Thornton on Smoky Mountain Family Historian tagged: no one in particular - she asked readers without a blog to participate in her Comments.
Kimberly Powell on Kimberly's Genealogy Blog tagged:
1. Megan Smolenyak at Megan's Roots World (One of my very first genie friends)
2. Juliana Smith at 24/7 Family History Circle (I've been a huge fan of her writing for years)
3. Amy Johnson Crow from Amy's Genealogy, etc. Blog (I especially love her Tombstone Tuesday I'm the type to stop at every cemetery I see)
4. Diane Richard and Phyllis Matthews Ziller at the NGS 2009 Conference Blog (I have deep family roots in North Carolina and appreciate any opportunity to visit the State Archives in Raleigh for more research)
5. Midwestern Microhistory by Harold Henderson (a new blog I just discovered)
Does the game end when the one who started it is tagged again? I got tagged by Lisa Louise Cooke yesterday... maybe I'll just tag five more.
Genealogists really play well with others, don't they?
LAST UPDATED: Friday, 17 October, 1:45 pm.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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