As I've searched for Lamphear/Lamphere/Lamphier/Lamfear/Lamfier and other surname variants in Jefferson County, New York, I've tried to identify families in the records that lived in or near Henderson township.
A little background: I am looking for the biological parents of Devier J. Lamphear, born in 1839 or 1842 according to family records, and adopted by Ranslow and Mary (Bell) Smith of Henderson, Jefferson County, NY.
Previous posts on this search include:
* Seeking Lamphier Probate Records in Jefferson County NY
* Finding Lamphears in Jefferson County NY - Post 1
* Finding Lamphears in Jefferson County NY - Post 2
I ordered the microfilms for the 1825 and 1835 New York State Census records from the LDS Family History Library Catalog down at the FHC in March, and they came in several weeks ago. I managed to capture images of both 1825 and 1835 census records for several Lamphear/Lanfear persons using the Microfilm Scanner and Printer at my local Family History Center.
The 1835 census images look like this:

There are two pages for each page of the 1825 and 1835 New York state census, and only the head of household have names provided. The 1825 census has 36 questions, and the 1835 census has 24 questions (the same first 24 questions as on the 1825 census).
I made up a Microsoft Word table in order to create an extraction of the records. The form for Isaac Lanfear of Lorraine, Jefferson County, NY in the 1835 New York State Census is shown below (the 1825 form is similar):
Here are the entries for this particular family:
1. Name of head of household - Isaac Lanfear
2. The number of male persons in the Family, including its head, if male = 4
3. The number of female persons in the family, including its head, if female = 7 (I think, difficult to read)
4. The number of male persons in the same family subject to militia duty = 1
5. The whole number of male persons in the same family entitled by the constitution of this state to vote for all officers, elected by the people = 2
6. The number of male persons in the same family, who are aliens, not naturalized = 0
7. The number of persons in the same family who are paupers = 0
8. The number of persons in the same family, who are persons of colour, not taxed = 0
9. The number of persons in the same family, who are persons of colour, who are taxed
10. The whole number of persons of colour in the same family who are taxed, and entitled by the constitution of this state for all officers elective by the people (and not be included in ninth column) = 0
11. The number of married female persons in the same family under the age of forty-five years = 0
12. The number of unmarried female persons in the same family, between the ages of sixteen and forty-five years. = 4
13. The number of unmarried female persons in the same family under the age of sixteen years = 2
14. The number of marriages occurring in the same family where such female married person resided during the year preceding = 0
15. The number of births in the same family, during the year preceding – Male/Female = 0/0
16. The number of deaths in the same family, during the year preceding – Male/Female = 0/0
17. The number of acres of improved land, occupied by the same family = 50
18. The number of neat cattle owned by the same family = 28
19. The number of horses owned by the same family = 5
20. The number of sheep owned by the same family = 20
21. The number of hogs owned by the same family = 12
22. The number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way, in the same family, during the year preceding = 10
23. The number of yards of flannel and other woolen cloth not fulled, manufactured in the domestic way, in the same family, during the year preceding = 20
24. The number of yards of linen, cotton, or other thin cloths, manufactured in the domestic way, in the same family, during the year preceding = 28.
As you can see, there were 11 persons (4 males, 7 females) living in this household. We cannot be sure that they were all family members - some might be laborers or servants that support the family farm. We can also see the livestock count on the farm and the amount of cloth manufactured by family members.
In the 1825 New York State Census, these Lamf*/Lamph*/Lanf*/Lanph* families were enumerated in Jefferson County NY (FHL Microfilm 0,895,239):
* Asa Lamphear in Adams (4 males, 3 females)
* Isaac Lanfear in Lorraine (3 males, 7 females)
* William Lanfear (3 males, 4 females)
* Lewis Lanphear in Wilna (6 males, 3 females)
* John Lanphear in Wilna (2 males, 1 female)
* Lewis Lanphear Jr in Wilna (7 males, 3 females)
In the 1835 New York State Census for Jefferson County, New York (FHL Microfilms 0,895,239 and 0.895,240), the Lamf*/Lamph*/Lanf*/Lanph* families included:
* George N. Lanphear in Antwerp (4 males, 3 females)
* Isaac Lanfear in Lorraine (4 males, 7 females)
* Orin Lanfear in Lorraine (4 males, 2 females)
* William Lanfear in Lorraine (2 males, 3 females)
* John Lanphear in Wilna (5 males, 2 females)
* Hiram Lanphear in Wilna (3 males, 3 females)
* Lewis Lanphear Jr (4 males, 6 females)
* Jeremiah Lanphear in Wilna (2 males, 3 females)
In addition, Ranslow Smith (the adoptive father of Devier Lamphear) was enumerated in Henderson township with 1 male and 1 female.
The challenge for me is to try to identify the males and females in these families who might have been the parent to my Devier Lamphear. Adams township is right next to Henderson, and Lorraine township is just two towns from Henderson, while Antwerp and Wilna are further away.
In addition, Ranslow Smith (the adoptive father of Devier Lamphear) was enumerated in Henderson township with 1 male and 1 female.
The challenge for me is to try to identify the males and females in these families who might have been the parent to my Devier Lamphear. Adams township is right next to Henderson, and Lorraine township is just two towns from Henderson, while Antwerp and Wilna are further away.
1 comment:
There was a Charles Lamphere in Dakota Territory in the mid-1870s to early 1880s. He married the grand-daughter of the founder of a pioneer community a few miles north of Royal, Nebr. I just read this in a book about that pioneer settlement & it's pretty much all I know. I just thought it was quite a coincidence that I saw the name pop up in two places in a couple months time.
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