I wanted to check out how the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) had digitized and presented the issues of The American Genealogist on their web site, http://www.newenglandancestors.org/. Note: youm ust be an NEHGS member to see their databases.
But when I went to the web site, I noticed that NEHGS has significantly revamped the presentation of their databases and activities. I couldn't resist making some screen shots so that I can show you their Databases & Research page (two screens below):

I really like how this page looks and feels - my eyes are drawn to each section. There are links for Databases & Research, Our Library, Publications, Programs & Events and Online Store in the top (green) menu. The left sidebar provides links to all of the components for the Databases & Research page, and the right sidebar shows the Database Categories and an ad for an NEHGS program. In the main part of the web page is "Most Recently Added or Updated Databases" on the top of the page, and "Most Popular Databases," "Premium Databases," and "Free Databases" on the bottom of the page.
The second link in the "Most Recently Added or Updated Databases" is The American Genealogist, so I clicked on that and saw (two screens below with some overlap):

This page has a description of The American Genealogist database, and includes a search box that has fields for first name, last name, publication date range, search the Table of Contents, or enter the Volume and Page Number to display pages from the work.
Over on the right sidebar is a link to a PDF of the index of the available issues of The American Genealogist. At this time, Volumes 9 to 13 are available on the web site.
I will show the process for finding, reading and saving the pages of The American Genealogist in the next post in this series.
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