Paula Hinkel posted this on some of the mailing lists yesterday...
The Southern California Genealogy Jamboree will be held Friday through Sunday, June 26 through 28, 2009, at the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Burbank, California.
Here's a reminder that the Early-Bird registration closes at the end of the day May 15, 2009. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save. And you definitely don't want to miss this conference! Registrations are running very strong and we expect a great turnout. The registration cost is one of the best bargains in genealogy today. Register online at and follow all the Jamboree details and updates at
This year's Jamboree features:
- focus on British Isles ancestry - England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
- focus on DNA- ethnic courses for Eastern European, Italian, African American ancestors
Jamboree speakers include 60 top-notch professionals, including:
- David Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRS, CGO of FamilySearch
- Andrew Wait, Sr. VP and General Manager,
- Tony Burroughs, FUGA
- Maureen A. Taylor
- Feargal O'Donnell from the Irish Family History Foundation
- Tukufu Zuberi, Ph.D., of the PBS series History Detectives
- Dozens and dozens of others - check the website!
Free sessions on Friday morning include:
- Tour of SCGS Research Library with transportation provided
- Beginning Genealogy
- Advanced Beginning Genealogy
- Genealogy Librarians' Boot Camp
- Family History Kids' Camp
Special events
- "Son of Blogger" - Blogger panel discussion with a star-studded panel
- Friday night banquet featuring Tukufu Zuberi, Ph.D., of the PBS series History Detectives
- Effective Society Management breakfast on Saturday
- "The Art of Mourning" Sunday morning
- Facebook Friends face-to-face get-together Saturday afternoon
- It's a Small World round-table discussions for research "across the pond"
- Saturday evening "Humor Among the Journal Pages" with David Rencher
Collaborations with several leading organizations including
- New England Historic Genealogical Society
- British Isles Family History Society - USA
- Creative Continuum
- Generation Maps
- National Genealogical Society
- Family Tree DNA
- World Vital Records
- California State Genealogical Alliance
- Salt Lake Plaza Hotel
- GenealogyBank
Register today!!! Don't miss this outstanding conference.
I sent my Jamboree registration in through the San Diego Genealogical Society which is sponsoring a train trip from San Diego up on Friday and back on Sunday to the Jamboree. We drove last year and missed all of the great conversation on the train!
While I am not on the Blogger panel this year, I will attend the Blogger Panel session and I urge all genea-bloggers at the Jamboree to attend, be supportive and ask questions of the panel (assuming they're brave enough to take questions!). I hope that the panel asks all genea-bloggers in attendance to identify themselves and their blogs. If you are there, please stick around afterwards so that we can get a group picture of the biggest meetup of genea-bloggers so far. We had about 15 last year all in one place, but not everyone was in the picture. The big question I have is "will we have to modify the face of The Ancestry Insider to keep him anonymous?"
I noticed that there is a Facebook Friends meetup scheduled for Saturday afternoon - cool! That may double as a genea-blogger meetup since many genea-bloggers are also on Facebook.
UPDATED: In a comment, Paula noted that "One of the primary reasons for registering early is to get a FREE copy of the 400-page printed syllabus as well as a CD version. Those who register after May 15 will receive only the CD for free, and can buy the printed syllabus for $15 while quantities last."
Thanks, Paula!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Thanks for posting this Randy. One of the primary reasons for registering early is to get a FREE copy of the 400-page printed syllabus as well as a CD version. Those who register after May 15 will receive only the CD for free, and can buy the printed syllabus for $15 while quantities last.
Sounds like you're in for a fun time on the train.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at Jamboree again this year, Randy, and I am sure there will be even MORE bloogers attending the summit. You may have to Photoshop me into the picture, though, ... I need to leave early for to attend a baby shower for my first grandchild. Can't wait to add that branch on the family tree!
Just finalized my participation at Jamboree - I will be there with bells on! Looking forward to Son of Blogger session too!
I'm proud to announce that will be the sponsor of this year's Son of Blogger summit. I'll be there and I can't wait.
I also am planning a special way to help identify bloggers during the entire #SCGS09 event (nothing embarassing, I promise!)
And how about having a Tweetup for #scgs09 tweeps?
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