It's been a full day of talking, listening, laughing and sharing with genealogy bloggers and vendors. The highlights so far:
* The train trip from San Diego to Burbank was great - 3.5 hours to go 140 miles with a smooth ride and fun people. There were 16 on this SDGS sponsored trip.
* Meeting bloggers I had not met before - Sheri, Amy, footnoteMaven, Maureen, Thomas, Susan, Kiril, Lisa, Cheryl, Elyse, Illya, Bruce, Gini, Leslie, Jay, Lisa, and others? And those I had met before - Elizabeth, Denise, Pat, Leland, Dick, George, Drew, Ancestry Insider, Schelly, Craig, Steve, Dean, Kathryn, Jean, Arlene, Paula, Janet, Geoff, Sue B, Diane W., others? My memory of who is here is failing... That's at least 36!
* Sat in on Maureen Taylor's presentation about Photographs of Revolutionary War Soldiers - fascinating photos, great commentary. This will be an excellent book.
* Interviewed by Lisa Louise Cooke for Genealogy Gems pod/videocast. A new experience.
* Twittering is being done in exhibit hall, presentations and the bar... and shown on big screen in registration area! Best one so far was Susan Kitchens' itemizing debris found in lobby seat.
* Geneabloggers swag bag provided by Thomas and Denise includes free RootsMagic 4, free wall chart from GenerationMaps, food, water bottle, other goodies. Thomas provided Mardi Gras beads and Amy a "Rock Star" ribbon.
* Met Tony Macklin and Sharon Hoyt of Ancestry Search team.
* Tom Underhill has a couch and coffee table in his display booth for reading his coffee table sample books.
* Great show discounts - RootsMagic 4 for $20 and 3 for $50. Legacy for $20. Ancestry for $119/$239 for new members. Footnote for $50 for new members.
* Lots of people here - enthusiastic, friendly, interested. Hungry and thirsty too!
* Had dinner with Gini and Steve Webb and Elyse Doerflinger at George's Greek Cuisine in the fast food court across the street. Topped off with ice cream at Dreyers in the same center.
* The free wi-fi in the hotel lobby works fine once you figure out how to connect to it. Some can connect easily, others can't connect at all depending on their laptop settings. About 10 connected at 9:15 pm.
* Met some people who are not bloggers - Brenton Simons, Ron Arons, Cath Trindle, Julie Miller, probably others - memory fails...
UPDATED 9 p.m. to add names and dinner comments.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
It all sounds very exciting - it would be great if you got some Geneabloggers group photos!
Evelyn in Montreal
I'm fighting a head cold that's threatening laryngitis, so I've spent the day in my room. But I'll be there in the morning! Here's hoping I can still speak then!
-- The Ancestry Insider
Great to meet you in person Randy - I hope you have a great time for the rest of the Jamboree - sorry I'm missing the weekend!
Thanks for the report and keep it coming for us poor geneabloggers stuck here at Plymouth Rock.
Thanks for the going ons of Jamboree. From someone who has never been, it is great hearing what you are doing, and who with, what you learn. I am attending Jamboree through you. LOL
You truly were our roving reporter while at Jamboree - between posting each day and also tweeting the Blogger Summit - thanks! I think it is important to convey a sense of what went on at Jamboree for those who could not attend - and perhaps to entice those who are thinking of attending in 2010!
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