Friday, June 4, 2010

Live Genealogy Gems Podcast at SCGS Jamboree

There will be a live Genealogy Gems podcast at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree on Saturday, 12 June at 1 p.m. in the Pavilion area, hosted by Lisa Louise Cooke (my favorite genea-podcast and genea-video maven).

Lisa has some great guests lined up:

* Maureen Taylor, the Photo Detective

* Suzanne Russo Adams, Ancestry talking about her research on Who Do You Think You Are?

* Chris Haley

Lisa put together a 2 minute video that she hopes will generate some excitement at

Lisa will be giving away lots of very cool prizes throughout the show too! (Watch the video to see the prizes!)

Thank you, Lisa, for this news! I'm going to be there, will you? I hope so. Let's fill the Pavilion and enjoy the show.

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