Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Advent Calendar - December 14: Fruitcake! Friend or foe?

This is the 14th in a series of 24 posts for the 2011 Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories, a Christmas Geneablogger tradition.

On the 11th Day of Christmas,
some joker sent to me
the biggest fruitcake I ever did see!

1) Did you like fruitcake?

I don't recall ever eating more than one bite of fruitcake, so I don't know if I like it or not. I think probably not...

2) Did your family receive fruitcakes?

As a kid, I don't think so. We didn't get many gifts from out of town, and no one here, except probably Cousin Dorothy who was "different," received them.

3) Have you ever re-gifted fruitcake?

I recall that Linda and I received one by opening a gift at a Christmas party, and we promptly re-gifted at the New Years Party - to much laughter. We had to disguise it in a box, though.

4) Have you ever devised creative uses for fruitcake?

Of course...examples --

* Petrified Fruitcake (surprise your favorite geologist)?
* Fruitcake fights (hidden in a snowball)?
* Fruitcake-eating contest (go for a Guinness world record)?
* Juicy-Fruitcake gum (hide it under your best friend's desk)?
* Scantily clad girl surprises 90-year old on his birthday by jumping out of a large fruitcake (Ah, the mind wanders, er, well, I should be so lucky in 22 years)?
*  Add "Fruitcake" Seaver to my family tree and see if a cousin finds it.

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