Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme many months ago called Amanuensis Monday. What does "amanuensis" mean? John offers this definition:
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the will of Henry Farwell (1605-1670) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts. He was married to Olive Welby (1604-1692). They had children Elizabeth Farwell (1630-1670); Samuel Farwell (1633-1634); John Farwell (1635-1686_; Joseph Farwell (1641-1722); Mary Farwell (1642-1714); Olive Farwell (1645-????).
Henry Farwell died testate, having made a will on 12 July 1670, 20 days before his death. The will reads (Middlesex County [Mass.] Probate Records, Packet #7,348, accessed on FHL Microfilm 0,397,054, transcribed by Randy Seaver; also transcribed in Robert H. Rodgers, Middlesex County in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Records of Probate and Administration, March 1660/61 - December 1670, published by The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 2001):
"In the Name of God Aman,
"I Henary Farwall of Chelmsford in the County of Midellsex Tayler of Chelmsford being of perfect & sound memory I prais my God, I make this my Last will and Testamt in manner and forme as followeth:
"First I will and ernestly desire that all my Debtes bee payd and sattisfied as shall appeare legally or Reasinably to be due, upon or by bond Bill or booke or otherwise howsoever out of my estate, with what Convenient speed the same can be raised payd and sattisfied:
"2endly it is my Will and I doe give and Bequeath unto Ollife Farwell my beloved wife, my houseing with the upland about it which I have now in posechtion, with Convenient medow to keepe fowre Couse during the time of her naturall life:
"3ly I give & bequeath unto Ollife my wife all my mouvabels to be at her Desspouse:
"4ly I bequeath unto Ollife my now wife thre couse and my mare for her owne propper use:
"5ly I bequeath unto Ollife my wife all my swine for her owne propper use:
"3ly I Give & Bequeath unto my sonne John Farwell all my Accomadations at Concord which hee hath in presant posechtion to him and his heires for ever of his owne boddye lawfully begotton: al wise provided and my will is that my sonne John Farwell shall paye forty shillings a yeare unto Ollife Farwell my now wife During the time of her naturall Life.
"2ly I bequeath unto my son John Farwell one yeare old heifer & my Coalt.
"4ly I give & bequeath unto my sonne Joseph Farwell all the land that hee hath in present posechtion wth 20 Ackers of upland lying at lettell tadmuck with six Accers of upland lying in the new field:
5ly my will is that Joseph Farwell my sonne shall have the remainder of my acomadations in Chelmsford after my wifes desease, only two small parsells of meadow namely one accor lying in the River maddow Joyning to the maddow of William Fletcher: I give & Bequeath to (Olife Spalding my Dauter - words crossed out) Marie Battes my Dauter one accore & halfe of maddow lying at Lettel Tadmock joyneing to the maddow of James Holdrike: to Ollife Spaulding my Dauter my will is incase Joseph my son dies before Ollife his mother then the Lands att his mothers Desease I give to the heires of Joseph my sonne - I give & bequeath unto Joseph my son the Remainder of my waring Apparill: my will is that Joseph my son shall pay ten Shilings a year to Ollife his mother during the time of her naturall life: further my will is that Joseph my son shall paye thirty pounds to his three sisters - namely ten pounds within halfe A yeare after my desease, namly three pounds six shilings & eight pense to Elisabeth Willbor & 3 pounds six shillings eight pense to Mary Bates & thre pounds six shiling eight pense to Ollife Spalding my Daughters: my will is that Joseph my son shall pay six pound & a marke to Elisabeth Wilbor within on yeare after the desease of Ollife my wife & six pounds & a mark to Mary Bates within too years after my wifes desease & six pounds & a marke to Ollife Spalding within three years after my wifes desease: I give & bequeath unto Ollife my wife A third part of the fruites of my orchard during the time of her naturall life, & A third part of the fruites to Joseph my sonne & a third part of the fruite to Mary Bates and Ollife Spalding my Dauters, for five yers to be equally Devided & when the five yeares are expired my will is that part shall returne to Joseph Farwell my sonne:
"6ly my will is that Ollife Farwall my now beloved wife & Joseph Farwill my sonneExecutares to the payment of my Due Debtes & the payment of the first part of the lagisies, all these Legases my will is should be paid at the now Dwelling house of my son Joseph in Chelmsford at prise Courant in Corne or Cattell: Lastly my will is that Hannah Farwell my Dauter my sonne Josephs wife shall have the third part of the land after her husbands desease: This I doe Declare to be my last will & Testament, revoking & disclaiming all other whatsoefar: by these presents in testimony whereof, I the said Hennary Farwell have hereunto set my hand & seale ye 12th Day of July in the yeare of our Lord God According to the computation of New England One Thousant Six hundared & Seventy.
....................................................................... Hennry Farwell a seal
Samuell Foster senier
John Fiske juner"
The will was proved in October 1670, with Samuel Foster senior and John Fiske junior appearing before the court at Cambridge.
An inventory of the personal and real property of Henry Farwell was taken on 5 August 1670 by Thomas Hinchman and John Fiske junior of Chelmsford. The housing and accommodations in the hands of the widow and her son Joseph Farwell was apprised at 122 pounds, while the land in Concord in the possession of John Farwell was apprised at 134 pounds. The personal property totalled 87 pounds and 11 shillings. Debts due to the estate totalled 4 pounds. The inventory was presented to the Court on 4 October 1670 by Joseph Farwell.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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